Library Card Sign-Up Month (aka LCSUM) is one of our favorite times of the year! Not only do we get to spread the awesome news about the “Power of the Card” and the benefits of having a library card while encouraging Saline County residents to snag this FREE card, but we also get to promote our local businesses. We would LOVE to add yours to the list!

Need to know a bit more about what Library Card Sign-Up Month is or don’t own a business but want to suggest a local company to participate? No problem! Just send us an email at

Participant Benefits 

  • 2 social media shoutouts in September on Library Facebook Page (Our Facebook posts reach an average of over 15,000 people weekly) 
  • Mention in September e-newsletter (our e-newsletter goes out to 21,000 residents) 
  • Logo on 6,000 flyers to be distributed around Saline County 
  • Logo on banner in the library branch lobbies during September. (We have almost 1,000 people in our buildings daily!) 

Bingo Partner ($25 + must be a participant offering a discount)

  • Participant benefits plus a square on the Library Card Sign Up Month BINGO card that will be distributed to library patrons via website, e-newsletter, and handouts. Additional distribution ways may be added. 
  • Sponsorships DO NOT include a Bingo Partner but may be added on for $25.

$100- Level 1 

  • All participant benefits 
  • Opportunity to display promotional materials at Benton and Bryant locations during September 

$250- Level 2 

  • All participant and Level 1 benefits 
  • Small feature in September e-newsletter 
  • Opportunity to place promotional materials in new card bags 

$500- Level 3 (4 spots) 

  • All participant and Level 2 benefits 
  • Logo on new card tote bags (500) 
  • Logo on Sponsor banner to be displayed in front entrance of the main library location in Benton 
  • Invite to have promotional table at 1 LCSUM special event 

$750- Level 4 (2 spots) 

  • All participant and Level 3 benefits 
  • Special feature on mid-month e-newsletter 

$1000- Level 5 (1 spot) 

  • All participant and Level 4 benefits 
  • Presenting sponsor recognition on all LCSUM promotional materials 
  • Logo and recognition on weekly “This week” social media posts 
  • Feature and recognition in “last week” of September social media blast 
  • Opportunity to be in LCSUM promotional video