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Mar 25
Toddler Storytime 10:30 am - 11:00 am Storytime Room Children
Mar 25
Toddler Storytime 11:00 am - 11:30 am Storytime Room Children
Mar 26
Homeschool Hour 10:30 am - 11:30 am Lower Commons, Makerspace- Benton, Storytime Room, Teen Area Children All Ages Tween Teen
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You must be 5 years old and have a parent/guardian with you to get a library card.

A child (ages 5 and up) may acquire a children’s library card with their parent or guardian being the primary owner of the card. Therefore the parent or guardian is responsible for the account and able to gain access to information about the account. Once a child is able to obtain a government-issued photo ID and parental permission, they may have their own adult card; no one other than the child may have access to this card.

Anyone over the age of 16 does not have to have parental permission to obtain an adult library card.

If a parent or guardian would like to add an additional adult to the account they may do so, but only with written consent.

Storytimes are held throughout the week at both locations. View our calendar for a full list of storytimes.

Different songs, rhymes, and fingerplays are used in all of our storytimes.

Here is a list of some of our favorites!

Songs and rhymes for babies:

Pat a Cake

Pat a cake, pat a cake, baker’s man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Rolllllllll it. And paaaaaat it. And mark it with a B.
And toss it in the oven for baby and me!

Where, oh where, are baby’s fingers?

Where, oh where, are baby’s fingers?
Where, oh where, are baby’s toes?
Where’s the baby’s belly button?
Round and round it goes!

Where, oh where, are baby’s ears?
Where, oh where, is baby’s nose?
Where’s the baby’s belly button?
Round and round it goes!

Peek a boo

Peek a boo, peek a boo
I see you! I see you!
I see your little nose, and your little toes.
Peek a boo, peek a boo.

Tick tock

Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little cuckoo clock
Tick tock, tick tock, now I’m striking one o’clock. Cuckoo!
(repeat for two and three o’clock)

What shall we do with a tiny baby?

What shall we do with a tiny baby? What shall we do with a tiny baby?
What shall we do with a tiny baby? Early in the morning.
Hug and squeeze and kiss the baby. Hug and squeeze and kiss the baby.
Hug and squeeze and kiss the baby. Early in the morning.
Hoppity hop, bounce-along baby. Hoppity hop, bounce-along baby.
Hoppity hop, bounce-along baby. Early in the morning.
Yippee-yi-yay! Up goes baby! Yippee-dee-yay! Up goes baby!
Yippee-yi-yay! Up goes baby! Early in the morning.

Toddler and preschool songs and rhymes:

Roly poly

Roly poly, roly poly, up up up, up up up! (circle arms over each other moving upwards)
Roly poly poly, roly poly poly, down down down, down down down.
Roly poly, roly poly, out out out, out out out!
Roly poly poly, roly poly poly, down in in in, in in in.
Roly poly, roly poly, fast fast fast, fast fast fast!
Roly poly poly, roly poly poly, slow slow slow, slow slow slow.

Hurry, Hurry

Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck (Hands on steering wheel)
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! (Ring bell)

Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder (Pretend to climb ladder)
Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder
Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! (Ring bell)

Hurry, hurry, squirt the water (Pretend to spray hose)
Hurry, hurry, squirt the water
Hurry, hurry, squirt the water
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! (Ring bell)

Slowly, slowly, back to the station (Lean slowly to the left and right)
Slowly, slowly, back to the station
Slowly, slowly, back to the station
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! (Ring bell)

Zoom, zoom, zoom

Zoom, zoom, zoom
(clap hands rhythmically)
We’re going to the moon
Zoom, zoom, zoom
We’ll be there very soon
If you’d like to take a trip, clim aboard my rocket ship
Zoom, zoom, zoom
we’re going to the moon
In 5…4…3…2…1…Blast off! (jump up and blast off)

Children under 5 should always be accompanied by a guardian. See our Unattended Child Policy for more information.



Children under the age of 12 require supervision while in the library. See our Unattended Child Policy for more information.

We have a variety of programs for homeschoolers of all ages throughout the week. View our calendar for a full list of homeschool programs.

The goal of the Homeschool Collection is to provide greater accessibility to educational resources that assist homeschool teachers and parent educators with curricular development for children, Kindergarten through grade 8. This collection includes curriculum, teacher-edition textbooks, test preparation materials, homeschool parent reference materials, and the Practical Homeschooling Magazine. Additionally, we have the Launchpad tablets and Youth Services Kits, which are aimed at providing a hands-on approach to learning in a variety of subjects.
Homeschool Curriculum is for in-library use only, but all other materials are available for check out.

Our Youth Services Kits that are aimed at providing a hands-on approach to learning in a variety of subjects and target ages.

For infants and toddlers:These kits are designed to be utilized by children ages 1-2 and their caregivers. Based on the Montessori Method of learning, the activities in these kits embrace the method’s focus on self-directed activity, natural curiosity, multi-sensory learning, and collaborative play. 


  • Montessori Inspired Play – 12-18 mo.
  • Montessori Inspired Play – 18-24 mo.
  • Montessori Inspired Play – 24-36 mo.
For Early Literacy:
These kits are designed to be utilized by children ages 1-5 and their caregivers. Based on the five early literacy practices of Every Child Ready to Read, the included activities are aimed at helping your child develop the skills needed to learn to read once they are ready.
  • Read
  • Play
  • Write
  • Talk
  • Sing
For Storytime:
These kits are designed to be utilized by children ages 2-6 and their caregivers or early childhood educators. The activities in these kits are intended to replicate the Storytime experience at home or in the classroom. 
  • Mouse Paint
  • Elephants & Pigs
  • Animals
  • Out of Place
  • Clothing
  • Food
  • Going to School
  • Story Kit I
  • Story Kit II
  • Story Kit III
  • The Three Little Pigs Story Kit
  • The Three Billy Goats Gruff Story Kit
For all-age learning:
These kits cover a variety of educational topics for students in preschool through high school. Kits include materials to supplement learning in a particular subject area or to support a specific educational need. 
  • Preschool Skills
  • Kindergarten Readiness I: General Skills
  • Kindergarten Readiness II: Math & Literacy Skills
  • Sight Words & Phonics
  • Alphabet
  • Handwriting
  • Learning to Read
  • Rhyming Words
  • Visual Learning
  • Sensory Tools
  • Fidget Tools
  • Mindfulness for Kids
  • Making Music I: Musical Exploration
  • Making Music II: Beginning Music Literacy
  • The Three Billy Goats Gruff STEM Kit
  • The Three Little Pigs STEM Kit
  • Goldilocks & The Three Bears STEM Kit
  • The Gingerbread Man STEM Kit
  • Makey Makey Inventions
  • Chain Reactions
  • Squishy Circuits
  • Addition & Subtraction
  • Multiplication & Division
  • Fractions
  • Telling Time
  • Number Sense I
  • Number Sense II
  • Counting Money
  • Weights & Measures
  • Plant & Animal Cells
  • Human Body
  • United States
  • Explore Arkansas
  • Learning Braille
  • Spanish I: Essentials
  • Spanish II: Intermediate
  • Spanish III: Advanced
  • French I: Essentials
  • French II: Intermediate
  • French III: Advanced
  • Wired Kids Headphones
  • CD Player
  • Graphing Calculator

We have a wide variety of both educational and entertainment-based Launchpad tablets available for check out. Launchpads are pre-loaded with content for a variety of ages, easy-to-use, 100% secure, and do not allow internet access. See all our available Launchpad tablets.


We have several online resources for children and teens.

HelpNow provides live tutoring on a variety of subjects, offering a comprehensive suite of online academic services designed to support many learning needs and styles.

Novelist K-8
Find new authors, series, other titles of a favorite author, match plots or characters. Create your own lists of titles you want to read or have read. Check the library’s catalog to see if we own a particular title and its availability. Focuses on materials for students.

Arkansas State Library K-8 Student Resources
The Arkansas State Library provides access to online encyclopedias, primary source materials and various reference collection databases to aid research.

Here is a list of other helpful homeschool resources not affiliated with the Saline County Library.

Arkansas Virtual Academy

Home Educators of Greater Little Rock

Arkansas Homeschool Support Groups

State Organizations and Local Homeschool Groups:

Central Arkansas Homeschoolers

Consumer Affairs – Best Online Homeschool Reviews