ProQuest’s Education Magazine Archive
This database offers digital access to the archives of 26 leading education trade magazines of the 20th century. The collection includes articles from both general and subject-specific publications covering topics such as the history of education, educational leadership, early learning, higher education, vocational education, independent schools, and distance learning.
Premier Reference and Marketing Database including 30 million business profiles & 220 million residents. Ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends and relatives, and much more.Visit
ABC-CLIO is a publishing company for academic reference works and periodicals primarily on topics such as history and social sciences for educational and public library settings. Available through the Arkansas Department of Education, ABC stands for the American Bibliographic Center and Clio is the ancient Greek muse of history.Visit
Includes student learning modules related to African American studies; includes biographies, scholarly articles, primary sources, and images.Visit
Includes student learning modules related to African American studies; includes biographies, scholarly articles, primary sources, and images.Visit
Search essential records for African-Americans, including federal census, marriage and cohabitation records, military draft and service records, registries of slaves, and more.Visit
This bibliographic database, produced by the National Agricultural Library, consists of worldwide literature citations for journal articles, monographs, proceedings, theses, patents, translations, audiovisual materials, computer software, and technical reports pertaining to all aspects of agriculture and related fields. Since 1985, the CAB Thesaurus has been used to select controlled vocabulary terms for subject indexing. Library of Congress Subject Headings are used as controlled vocabulary for cataloging records.Visit
Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection offers full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. It also includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources as well as the renowned AGRICOLA and TOXLINE databases and content previously available in ESPM (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS). Coverage: 1960 - currentVisit
Subject coverage
- Agriculture
- Animal sciences
- Climate change and global warming
- Conservation (soil, water, and wildlife)
- Energy
- Environmental education
- Food and nutrition
- Pollution (air, noise, soil, and water)
- Water quality
America's Genealogy bank and America's Obituaries are now Heritage Hub! Heritage Hub provides access to hundreds of years of obituaries and death notices from thousands of newspapers across the United States. Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 – today. HeritageHub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information and potentially unknown family members. Includes deep coverage from all 50 states, hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s, and original obituary images. Access is available 24/7.Visit
Explore early American history to support genealogical and local history research, school homework assignments and more. Features more than 1,100 historical newspapers from all 50 states. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people, and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the U.S. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device. Please use the links below for: Saline Courier, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Collection, Hot Springs Village VoiceVisit
American Government provides a complete, multifaceted examination of the foundations of our government and political system that supports any curriculum or research project focused on the government of the United States.Visit
From the explorers of the Americas to the issues of today’s headlines, American History investigates the people, events, and stories of our nation’s evolution by time periods.Visit
Surveys American history from the Colonial era and American Revolution through to the nation's rise to eminence as a global superpower. Analyzes American political conflict, economic development, and changing culture.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the history of African-Americans by time periods.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the American Indian experience by time period.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the history of Latino Americans by time periods.Visit
Find Census, birth, marriage, death records, and more. Available only inside the library.Visit
Explore Little Rock history through local news, events, and people with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
The Arkansas DMV Driving Tests website provides free permit practice tests, written by experts, that are available to anyone who wants to study. This website also provides online copies of official state guides.Visit
Provided by the Arkansas State Police, this website has PDF downloads of the Arkansas Driver Exam study guide.Visit
Arkansas Legal Services Online, provided by the Center for Arkansas Legal Services and Legal Aid of Arkansas, assists every county in the state with priority subjects such as family law, consumer issues, bankruptcy or evictions.Visit
This database features hundreds of titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies.Visit
This database from ProQuest provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Australia and New Zealand. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
World Book’s new comprehensive Spanish database with more than 170,000 articles, images, and videos designed for native Spanish-speaking researchers and advanced bilingual and ESL students.Visit
Includes a comprehensive run of this acclaimed television series from 2009-2023. The BBC Horizon television program makes science accessible and engaging to students and reveals the science behind a broad range of topics including astronomy, physics, math, and the environment.Visit
Includes access to ground-breaking HD nature series such as Planet Earth, Blue Planet, and Big Cats, and Dynasties.Visit
Browse photos from years past archived by the Benton Courier and donated to the Gann Museum.Visit
This interdisciplinary database offers abstracts and citations to a wide range of research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science. Supporting over two dozen areas of expertise, this database provides access to literature from over 6000 serials, as well as conference proceedings, technical reports, monographs and selected books and patents.Visit
Take a career assessment, explore 135+ trades, access the resource library, and watch many training resources, such as the OSHA Ladder Safety course and How to Read Blueprints. BlueCareer is brought to you by EBSCO Learning.Visit
HelpNow provides live tutoring on a variety of subjects, offering a comprehensive suite of online academic services designed to support many learning needs and styles. To access ACT and SAT prep materials, click on "Skillsurfer" under "Expert Help." You will then be able to select "College Entrance Test Prep" and choose your preferred test and subject.Visit
JobNow provides you with practical tools to help you get a job. Get live interview coaching, expert resume analysis, and more.Visit
Brainfuse LearnNow offers resources for students from k-12 through college. Read lessons. Watch videos. Take tests. Know more.Visit
This database is a longstanding, comprehensive Canadian periodical collection covering multiple subjects and topics, with millions of full-text records. Accessible to readers and researchers at every level, the Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database features a diversified mix of publications, including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, reports, radio and television transcripts, news, dissertations, and more.Visit
This database offers unparalleled access to the full text of over 400 Canadian news sources from Canada's leading publishers. This full text database includes the complete available electronic backfile for most newspapers. It provides full access to the articles, columns, editorials and features published in each. Most titles are updated daily and some backfiles date as far back as the late 1970s.Visit
ProQuest Career & Technical Education is the definitive source for vocational information. The database includes nearly 600 titles, with more than 500 available in full text for quick access to research on virtually any technical topic.Visit
Chilton Library provides exclusive photographs, diagnostics designed by instructors, step-by-step repair procedures, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) maintenance schedules, wiring diagrams, recalls and Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) for automobiles and light trucks in one easy-to-use website. Since this library subscribes to Chilton Library, you are now equipped with decades of data to maintain your vehicle.Visit
Chronicling America is a Library of Congress website dedicated to the preservation of historic newspapers from all fifty states. Arkansas Heritage has contributed over 200,000 pages, including 64 newspaper tiles, representing 27 counties. This information, covering the years 1830 - 1923, was not previously digitized and is part of a national effort to help researchers and historians access local information from this time period. There are search and chat features to ask for live assistance from historians and archival librarians, experts in research!Visit
ClinicalTrials.gov is a registry and results database of federally and privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States and around the world. ClinicalTrials.gov gives you information about a trial's purpose, who may participate, locations, and phone numbers for more details. This information should be used in conjunction with advice from health care professionals.Visit
Colorín Colorado is the premier national website serving educators and families of English language learners (ELLs) in Grades PreK-12. Colorín Colorado has been providing free research-based information, activities, and advice to parents, schools, and communities around the country for more than a decade.Visit
This collection provides unmatched discipline-specific coverage spanning thousands of publications, many in full text. Subjects include:Visit
- Computer Science
- Information Systems
- Computer Security
- Database Design
- Software Development
- Web Commerce
VisitThe Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a U.S. government agency that makes sure banks, lenders, and other financial companies treat you fairly.The CFPB is committed to providing consumers with up-to-date information and resources to protect and manage their finances.
This database includes journals and magazines covering an enormous range of health subjects, from sports injuries to women's health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistryVisit
The online version of Consumer Reports provides expert and independent reviews of items for buyers.Visit
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by educational institutions in many European countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
ProQuest has collected a number of resources and tools that will help users and researchers with COVID-19 related information and research.Visit
Criminal Justice Database is a comprehensive database supporting research on crime. It explores the causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. As well as U.S. and international scholarly journals, it includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, dissertations, crime reports, crime blogs and other material relevant for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement and related fields. Coverage: 1981 - currentVisit
Experience the world through cultural information on more than 200 countries. You may choose the Kids Edition to get a kid's-eye view of daily life in countries around the world, the States Edition to explore all the U.S. states, or the Provinces Edition to tour all the Canadian provinces and territories.
If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, we have the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.Visit
Answer real DMV questions and get immediate feedback for free with no registration required. Take as many practice tests as you want, until you're ready to take the real DMV test! This website will increase your chances of passing the official DMV test.Visit
Dun's Reference Book collection has national coverage and includes "merchants, manufacturers, and traders" in a wide range of industries from the largest cities to the smallest towns across the United States and Canada. Researchers can use these directories to: Look up a particular company, see a list of businesses in a particular city or town, understand the biggest industries in a community, and/or provide more context for your family tree.Visit
Early American Sources has added a list of Arkansas archives and research libraries to their website. Link to them here! This site links to collections departments and historic documents at the Arkansas State Library, the State Archives, Crystal Bridges, and many other libraries and research centers throughout the Natural State. A great place to start your research on all things Arkansas!Visit
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many East Asian and South Asian countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in East European and Central European countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
This collection from ProQuest provides access to authoritative eBooks from the world's top publishers on a range of subjects: arts, business management, education, general knowledge, health & medicine, history & political science, law, literature & language, religion & philosophy, science & technology, and social science.Visit
Education Database supports the study and application of education across all levels of education, including early childhood education, primary and secondary education, and higher education. The database supports global study and research, including thousands of full-text journals, dissertations and other relevant sources. Coverage: 1988 - currentVisit
This research guide lists all Proquest databases by elementary, middle, or senior high school levels. It is a great place to start your research.Visit
A massive, multidisciplinary database, designed for students and educators at high schools, community colleges, and four-year universities. Editorially created pages provide valuable context for both common and obscure research topics. The content, which is all full text, includes books, magazines, journals, newspapers, photographs, transcripts, and videos.Visit
With eLibrary’s Research Platform, users can review the best (and most visually attractive) content, curated by editors, on more that 11,000 of the most popular search queries. A great starting point to learn the context behind the topic before exploring the article results.Visit
ERIC - the Education Resources Information Center - is the largest education database in the world, containing over one million records of journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, and books.Visit
Ethnic NewsWatch is a current resource of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives. The database now also contains Ethnic NewsWatch: A History, which provides historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989.Visit
FamilySearch is a nonprofit organization whose website offering genealogical records and software. It is operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and is closely connected with the Family History Department of the church.Visit
This website organizes cemeteries by county, then city/community, then specific cemetery. It offers search options by first and last name, Year born, and year died. Advanced search options include maiden names, nicknames, and like spellings, and in many cases offers GPS locations.Visit
Fold3 provides convenient access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served. The records at Fold3 help you discover and share stories about these everyday heroes, forgotten soldiers, and the families that supported them. On Fold3, you can combine records found on the site with what you have in your own albums and shoeboxes to create an online memorial for someone who served. The Fold3 name comes from a traditional flag folding ceremony in which the third fold is made in honor and remembrance of veterans who served in defense of their country and to maintain peace throughout the world.Visit
Freegal® is a free music service from your library. All you need is your library card number! Freegal offers access to about 7 million songs, including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists. In total the collection is comprised of music from over 28,000 labels with music that originates in over 80 countries. There is no software to download, and there are no digital rights management (DRM) restrictions. Access to Freegal is limited to patrons of subscribing libraries. You may download 3 songs a week and stream music 24 hours a day!Visit
Gale, a Cengage company, partners with librarians and educators around the world to connect learners to essential content through user-friendly technology that enhances experiences and improves learning outcomes. This central database uses subject indices to direct you to a large catalog of available eBook titles.Visit
Gallaudet University is the premier institution of learning, teaching and research for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. For more than 150 years, Gallaudet has produced leaders and innovators who have influenced history. Jump into basic ASL Vocabulary with videos, categorized by theme or learn basic ASL with free online interactive lessons.Visit
Genetics Home Reference provides information in high-school-level language about genetic conditions and the genes related to those conditions.Visit
In the modern news world, newswires are the chief source of timely news and, with increasing pressures on the traditional news industry, newswires are often the only news coverage for many large regions of the globe. Global Breaking Newswires is the premier library news product providing timely access to the best newswire content available from around the globe for the modern researcher as well as growing archive of news indexed and accessible through the familiar & popular research functionality of the ProQuest platform.Visit
This database offers reliable, comprehensive journal coverage of clinical and biomedical topics, consumer health, health administration and more. Subject coverage:Visit
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Microbiology
- Immunology
This database helps students develop an in-depth understanding of a variety of health and wellness topics, providing authoritative historical context, expert perspectives, and carefully selected primary and secondary sources on today's most important health and wellness issues. Categorized by themes, this database provides information on health related issues in an easy-to-read format.Visit
This database is a collection of reliable and relevant resources in the field of health administration, including journals and dissertations.Visit
Heritage Hub provides access to hundreds of years of obituaries and death notices from thousands of newspapers across the United States including the Arkansas Democrat Gazette and Saline Courier. This one-of-a-kind collection helps patrons and family historians uncover new family members and understand family relationships on a deeper level than ever before.Visit
Discover your family history with billions of census records dating back to the 1700s.Visit
Welcome to History Hub, a research support community for everyone, including genealogists, historians, and citizen archivistsVisit
This targeted collection of full-text journals and popular magazines provides expansive coverage of a wide range of global historical topics and themes. Appropriate for use by researchers at all levels, this collection of authoritative current and archival secondary sources offers vital context and varied perspectives on thousands of topics from world history. Authoritative and engaging, the History Study Center provides a launching point for the study of history from ancient times through today.Visit
Hoopla provides an enormous selection of digital video (movies and TV shows), music, audiobooks, ebooks and comics. Hoopla is available on the latest browser, phone, tablet, and TV products. Each Hoopla user can check out ten items per month, plus keep up to 7 items in your queue. To start using Hoopla, all you have to do is create an account with your library card. Click here and click on "get started today," on the homepage.Visit
Search full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and more from current and archived issues of the Hot Springs Village Voice. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
ProQuest Indian Journals is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary resource providing full-text, scholarly journals, all published in India. These scholarly sources support many academic fields of study, such as business, medicine, science, technology, social sciences and humanities. Providing a unique source of the very best scholarly periodical output from India, ProQuest Indian Journals is a current resource, with most coverage from the last five years and updated daily with new content.Visit
International NewsStream provides the most recent news content outside of the US and Canada, with archives which stretch back decades. NewsStream features newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format. ProQuest International NewsStream provides information from more than 660 of the world's top newspapers, including The Times (London), The Bangkok Post, El Norte, Financial Times, The Guardian, Jerusalem Post, South China Morning Post, The Daily Telegraph, Asian Wall Street Journal, and the BBC Monitoring series of publications.Visit
The Internet Archive is an American digital library with the stated mission of "universal access to all knowledge." It provides free public access to collections of digitized materials, including websites, software applications/games, music, movies/videos, moving images, and millions of books. As of December 2021, the Internet Archive holds over 34 million books and texts, 7.4 million movies, videos and TV shows, 797,000 software programs, 13,991,923 audio files, 4.1 million images, and 640 billion web pagesVisit
This database helps students develop an in-depth understanding of how society shapes and is shaped by controversy. It provides authoritative historical context, expert perspectives, and carefully selected sources on today's most important issues.Visit
Kanopy allows you to stream movies, with several different genres of films to select from including Popular Movies, Documentaries, World Cinema, Classics and Oscar Winners. The Great Courses provide series of college-level lecture courses and give you the option to learn at your own pace and on the topics that interest you. Kanopy Kids shows popular tv shows, videos, short films and even storytimes. Each Kanopy user can view up to 10 films per month. Once a film has been played for 5 seconds, it counts a view. After a kids film has been viewed, you have unlimited access to Kanopy Kids for 30 days. The first kids film opened counts as one of the 10 views. For the Great Courses, you can have unlimited access to one series for 30 days. Each time a different Great Courses is opened, one of the 10 views are used. To start using Kanopy, all you have to do is create an account with your library card. Click here and click on "Don't have an account yet?" in the top right corner. Once you input your library card number, it will have you set up your own account that will be connected to that library card number.Visit
This database provides journals that are locally published in many Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
Legal Information Reference Center is an online database designed to assist the general public in legal matters of all kinds. It includes exclusive full text for many top consumer legal reference books, as well as thousands of legal forms.Visit
We have a variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks available to download from Overdrive and the Libby App. Just visit your app store to download either program to your phone or tablet. With the Overdrive App, click "sign-in" and then select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" from the drop-down list. Enter your library card number and PIN to sign in. Then you will be taken to the Overdrive home page where you can search through all of the eBooks and eAudiobooks. With the Libby App, open the app and select the Libby icon in the top right corner. Then select "Add A Library" and enter "Arkansas" in the search bar. Next, select "Saline County Library" and click "Sign In With My Library Card." From here, you will follow steps similar to the Overdrive App. Click the drop-down arrow and select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" and enter your library card number and PIN. Now click "Enter The Library" to begin searching through all of the eLibrary materials.Visit
Library Science Database gives users full-text access to a selection of publications relevant to library and information science. It covers a range of titles and topics relevant to the theoretical and applied study of library science, including trade publications aimed at the library profession as well as scholarly journals. Coverage: 1970 - currentVisit
This database includes full-text journals and other sources in linguistics, including many titles indexed in Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA). It covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.Visit
Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA) is an international abstracting and indexing tool designed for library professionals and other information specialists. LISA currently abstracts over 300 periodicals from around 40 countries and 20 languages, providing comprehensive bibliographic coverage of the scholarly literature related to library science. Subject coverage includes all aspects of librarianship, library users, information retrieval and more.Visit
ProQuest Learning: Literature (PQLL) is a rich literature solution for schools that offers multiple literary traditions and perspectives. PQLL supports key student use cases such as introducing high school literature students to authors from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Editorially created topic pages include hundreds of author biographies, literary work summaries and analyses, and genre and movement pages. Journal, magazine, and other content types provide authoritative and current coverage of famous and lesser-known novelists, poets, and playwrights, as well as much-studied topics like the Harlem Renaissance, the Beat Generation, and Transcendentalism.Visit
MEDLINE® is a bibliographic database produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The database contains millions of citations, derived from thousands of biomedical and life science journals, and indexed with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) from the NLM controlled vocabulary. Extending back to 1946, annual input now exceeds 700,000 citations.Visit
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Middle Eastern and African countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches. Topics include international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.Visit
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation's record keeper. These valuable records are preserved and are available to you, whether you want to see if they contain clues about your family’s history, need to prove a veteran’s military service, or are researching a historical topic that interests you.Visit
The first Federal Population Census was taken in 1790, and has been taken every ten years since. Because of a 72-year restriction on access to the Census, the most recent year available is 1950. The 1950 Census was released on April 1, 2022. This database, presented by the National Archives and Records Administration, provides easy access to the rich data provided by this release, made available on April 1 of 2022.Visit
The National Library of Medicine's online catalog, providing information about the Library's holding of books, journal titles, and audiovisuals.Visit
The NLM Gateway is best understood as “first-stop shopping” for NLM's collections of resources. Its twenty separate systems are grouped visually into three collections appropriate for users from a wide variety of educational levels. Each database has a link to its own separate interface.Visit
You can access the NY Times for free while using the Saline County Library WiFi. Just log onto the library WiFi, then click the link to register your NY Times account. You can also access the NY Times without library WiFi for free for 24 hours here. To activate this subscription, you will need to log in or register first.Visit
Niche Academy helps you create elegant online tutorial experiences, making things easier for both instructors and learners.Visit
This database offers comprehensive coverage of the fields of nursing and allied health including journals, video, dissertations, reference books and more. Subject coverage includes Nursing, Physical therapy, Nutrition, and more.Visit
This newly upgraded platform combines several ProQuest products, such as Entrepreneurship and Business Market Research collections, and adds JPMORGAN, Business eBooks, and Business Video. One Business is designed to support the unique needs of business professionals including entrepreneurs, accountants, tax professionals, and academic faculty and students.Visit
ProQuest One Literature brings together the most comprehensive collection of primary texts, ebooks, reference sources, full-text journals, dissertations, video and more, for unparalleled access to historical and contemporary content by and about celebrated and lesser-known authors from around the world.Visit
We have a variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks available to download from Overdrive and the Libby App. Just visit your app store to download either program to your phone or tablet. With the Overdrive App, click "sign-in" and then select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" from the drop-down list. Enter your library card number and PIN to sign in. Then you will be taken to the Overdrive home page where you can search through all of the eBooks and eAudiobooks. With the Libby App, open the app and select the Libby icon in the top right corner. Then select "Add A Library" and enter "Arkansas" in the search bar. Next, select "Saline County Library" and click "Sign In With My Library Card." From here, you will follow steps similar to the Overdrive App. Click the drop-down arrow and select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" and enter your library card number and PIN. Now click "Enter The Library" to begin searching through all of the eLibrary materials.Visit
Political Science Database gives users access to hundreds of leading political science, public policy, and international relations journals. It also includes thousands of recent full-text doctoral dissertations on political science topics, together with working papers, conference proceedings, country reports, policy papers and other sources. Coverage: 1985 - currentVisit
Pop Culture Universe is a digital database on popular culture in America, both past and present. It is configured by decade to showcase the icons, idols, and ideas of the different eras in American history.Visit
Pronunciator is a language learning software database used to learn a new language in ways that can be playful and fun. This includes language learning (for the most common languages) through movies, poetry and music -- and a virtual tutor. You can engage with the computer and improve pronunciation through speech-recognition software with over 80 languages. Users will need to create an individual account.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
This database provides abstracts and indexing for key Psychology titles, many which are available in full text. Many titles are indexed in PsycINFO. Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.Visit
This database allows you to search the core literature in the field of public health.Visit
Subject coverage
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Physical fitness and hygiene
- Social services and welfare
- Statistics
- Drug abuse and alcoholism
- Special education and rehabilitation
- Environmental studies
- Nurses and nursing
- Pediatrics
ProQuest's Religion Database provides a wide range of periodicals and other sources for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of many worldwide religions. As well as scholarly journals there are many titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.Visit
Research Companion supports educators as they teach the core information literacy principles of finding, evaluating, and using information. More than 80 short videos are organized into nine Learning Modules that answer questions like "How do I choose a topic?" "Where do I find information?" and "How do I evaluate sources?" The viewing experience is also interactive, allowing educators to measure students’ learning and to identify gaps in their understanding.Visit
ProQuest Research Library provides one-stop access to thousands of full-text periodicals from one of the broadest, most inclusive general reference databases ProQuest has to offer. Search from a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, and magazines covering over 150 subjects and topics.Visit
Since 2011 RootsTech by FamilySearch has been a family gathering unlike any other. The annual conference, first held in Salt Lake City, Utah, has grown and changed since those early days. From in-person to the entirely virtual, world-wide conference held just last year, RootsTech has always been a celebration of connection—past, present and future
The Salem Press database provides Saline County library's curated selection of books from Grey House Publishing, including Literature, Science, Health, and Career advice. To log-in, use login name: salinecountylibrary and password: 24766.Visit
Saline County Cares is a collaboration of social service institutions, nonprofits, and businesses who support and celebrate individuals and families. Our collaborative approach combines efficient business practices with a commitment to furthering the impact of the diverse work of our member organizations.Visit
Index for Saline County obituaries from the Saline Courier. Years include 1930 to the present. These are sorted in two ways: by date of death notice and by last name.Visit
Welcome to the Saline County Collector ePayment Service This site was created to give taxpayers the opportunity to pay their personal and real estate taxes online.Visit
ARCountyData.com is the fastest and easiest way to access Arkansas county property information. From the convenience of your office or home you can research property sales histories, commercial and residential building descriptions, and legal descriptions. Simply click the county of your choice on the map, or select it from the drop down, to access its records and assess your property.Visit
Saline County uses ARCountyData.com as the fastest and easiest way to access Arkansas county property information. From the convenience of your office or home you can research property sales histories, commercial and residential building descriptions, and legal descriptions. Simply click the county of your choice, or select it from the drop down, to access its records.Visit
Explore Saline County history through local news, events and people with the Saline Courier Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
Produced for over a century, Sanborn maps chart the growth and development of more than 12,000 American towns and cities. Sanborn maps are large-scale plans of a city or town, drawn at a scale of 50 feet to an inch. They were created to assist fire insurance companies as they assessed the risk associated with insuring a particular property. The maps list street blocks and building numbers including numbers in use at the time the map was made and previous numbers.Visit
School Library Connection (SLC) is an extensive learning resource center for school library professionals. As the combined evolution of School Library Monthly and Library Media Connection magazines, SLC maintains their commitment to providing those in the school library field with practical insights and inspiration while also advancing the scope and mission of its predecessors. SLC is helmed by instructional leaders in school librarianship and features self-paced professional learning, curricular support resources, and related materials to support teaching and professional learning.Visit
This database is a definitive resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences. With coverage dating back to 1986, ProQuest Science Journals features over 1030 titles, with more than 760 available in full text. Search over 2.7M records, dating back to the mid 1980s.Visit
Subject coverage
- General science
- Aerospace
- Engineering
- Computers
- Physics
SIRS Discoverer is a general reference database for elementary and middle school learners, researchers, and educators. It covers curriculum areas and content sets such as reading, language arts, current events, science, social studies, history, health, and technology. SIRS Discoverer provides editorially-selected, indexed, and curated materials from over 2,100 newspapers, magazines, and websites offering guided research for young researchers.Visit
Use SIRS Issues Researcher to locate articles about controversial issues selected from newspapers, magazines, journals, and government publications. It features information about a variety of social, scientific, health, historic, economic, business, and political issues from around the world. SIRS Researcher provides background and analysis on 350+ leading issues, providing pros and cons on social, scientific, health, historic, economic, political, and global issues.Visit
The Small Engine Repair Reference Center is intended for public library patrons, as well as public school teachers and students. It provides reference and instructional information about small engine machinery maintenance and repair.Visit
Social Science Database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, communication, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.Visit
Sociology Database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including relevant titles from related fields such as social policy, social care, social services, social anthropology, gender studies, gerontology, social psychology and population studies. It includes hundreds of full-text scholarly journals, as well as dissertations and other sources. Coverage: 1985 - currentVisit
The ProQuest STEM database is comprised of more than 500 scholarly journals and popular science magazines. These publications support research and instruction in science, technology, engineering, and math. All coverage is front-to-back full-text, with images and graphics reproduced exactly as they appear in the original editions. ProQuest's STEM database offers something for students and educators at multiple grade levels. Coverage: 1997 - current View title listVisit
Subject coverage
- Earth sciences
- Life sciences
- Physical sciences
- Medical sciences
- Applied sciences
The telecommunications database is an essential resource for anyone researching the industry or its technology. Whether you’re looking for the latest news on WAP technology, following market penetration of new technologies, or gathering information about the key players in this field, ProQuest Telecommunications helps you stay one step ahead. The database includes over 140 titles, with more than 115 available in full text. Search more than 600,000 records, dating back to the early 1990's. Coverage: 1995 - currentVisit
Subject coverage
- Telecommunications
- Computer applications
- Data communication
- Data transmission systems
- Electronic data processing
- Information science
- Information theory
- Radio
- Television
- Wireless communications
The Coffelt Database of Vietnam War casualties has its roots in an effort begun by Richard Donham Coffelt. A Korean War era soldier and later an attorney in Hays, Kansas, Richard became aware that the government had not made public a central source of information regarding the servicemen and women who died as a result of service in Vietnam. In 1980 Richard set out to determine the unit of assignment for each Army soldier who died in Vietnam.Visit
Today’s Science bridges the gap between the science taught in class and real-world discoveries. It gives in-depth explanations of important advances in biology, chemistry, environmental science, space, physics, and technology. Thousands of original articles written by scientists and science journalists are presented in easy-to-understand language. With its featured articles, Conversations with Scientists, crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons with questions, an extensive backfile and more, this essential STEM resource shows how the scientific method can be applied to everyday life, helping users think like scientists—applied science in a nutshell.Visit
ProQuest's Turkey database provides journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Turkey. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 21,3000 courses and 62 million students. Learn programming, marketing, data science and more. Using Udemy's course development tools, instructors can upload videos, source code for developers, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, audio, ZIP files and any other content that learners might find helpful. The Udemy mobile app allows users to view classes offline and to listen to lectures on the move in the app’s podcast mode. Udemy users can also watch courses through Apple TV and Google Chromecast. *To access, click the "visit" link below and then create your account by clicking "Sign In / Create a Udemy Account." Once you have created an account, you can log back in by clicking the same button and you will be redirected to your account.Visit
ProQuests's UK and Ireland database provides journals that are locally published in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
This interactive database helps students better understand the geographic, historic, social, political, cultural, and economic landscape of the United States, as well as the complexities underlying the challenges facing the nation and individual states.Visit
U.S. Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s. It features newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format. For academic and public libraries, U.S. Newsstream offers exclusive access to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and co-exclusive access (with Factiva) to The Wall Street Journal. U.S. Newsstream also offers one of the largest collections of local and regional newspapers, and is cross-searchable on the ProQuest platform.Visit
World Book Advanced is a powerful reference tool that includes full encyclopedic and multimedia databases supplemented with online books, primary sources, website links, Back in Time articles, special reports and more.Visit
World Book Discover assists differentiated learners and older adults with a research database that offers a practical Life Skills section. A collection of unique videos, featuring expert answers to often asked questions, and a visual dictionary make content more accessible for readers of all levels.Visit
Welcome to Early Learning by World Book, the premier online resource for preschoolers and children in the early elementary grades. Developed with experts on early childhood education and guided by evidence-based practices of reading instruction, Early Learning offers rich resources designed for easy integration into the classroom curriculum, public library programming, or learning at home.Visit
World Book Kids is designed to encourage the young learner to be curious. This online encyclopedia includes eBooks, videos, activities, read-aloud, and translation features. With thousands of articles, multimedia content, and a collection of biographies, there is something for all levels of learners.Visit
World Book Student is aimed toward an audience of upper-elementary through middle school students. Special features include a timeline builder, individual research accounts, and a "How to Do Research" features that will help students develop information literacy skills.Visit
Dive in to history with this unique, interactive view! World Book Timelines offers hundreds of pre-generated timelines across eight broad topics, which cover various time periods in history or span the life of historical public figures. Users can also create their own timelines from scratch, adding events, descriptions, and media.Visit
World Book’s mission focuses on developing a collaborative digital learning platform backed by editorial excellence, invaluable resources, and effective tools that support personalized teaching and learning. World Book serves over 100 million students across 65+ countries. This index includes all of World Book's resources in one database, a great place for all ages to begin their research.Visit
World Geography provides authoritative content and online tools that develop students’ global literacy, focusing on the geographic, political, social, economic, and cultural forces that are increasingly important in our globalized world.Visit
World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras covers early human history around the globe—from prehistoric times to the beginnings of the Renaissance.Visit
World History: The Modern Era covers human history around the globe—from the beginnings of the Renaissance to the present day.Visit
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ABC-CLIO is a publishing company for academic reference works and periodicals primarily on topics such as history and social sciences for educational and public library settings. Available through the Arkansas Department of Education, ABC stands for the American Bibliographic Center and Clio is the ancient Greek muse of history.Visit
This database features hundreds of titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies.Visit
This database from ProQuest provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Australia and New Zealand. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by educational institutions in many European countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
Ethnic NewsWatch is a current resource of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives. The database now also contains Ethnic NewsWatch: A History, which provides historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989.Visit
Freegal® is a free music service from your library. All you need is your library card number! Freegal offers access to about 7 million songs, including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists. In total the collection is comprised of music from over 28,000 labels with music that originates in over 80 countries. There is no software to download, and there are no digital rights management (DRM) restrictions. Access to Freegal is limited to patrons of subscribing libraries. You may download 3 songs a week and stream music 24 hours a day!Visit
Gale, a Cengage company, partners with librarians and educators around the world to connect learners to essential content through user-friendly technology that enhances experiences and improves learning outcomes. This central database uses subject indices to direct you to a large catalog of available eBook titles.Visit
Hoopla provides an enormous selection of digital video (movies and TV shows), music, audiobooks, ebooks and comics. Hoopla is available on the latest browser, phone, tablet, and TV products. Each Hoopla user can check out ten items per month, plus keep up to 7 items in your queue. To start using Hoopla, all you have to do is create an account with your library card. Click here and click on "get started today," on the homepage.Visit
The Internet Archive is an American digital library with the stated mission of "universal access to all knowledge." It provides free public access to collections of digitized materials, including websites, software applications/games, music, movies/videos, moving images, and millions of books. As of December 2021, the Internet Archive holds over 34 million books and texts, 7.4 million movies, videos and TV shows, 797,000 software programs, 13,991,923 audio files, 4.1 million images, and 640 billion web pagesVisit
Kanopy allows you to stream movies, with several different genres of films to select from including Popular Movies, Documentaries, World Cinema, Classics and Oscar Winners. The Great Courses provide series of college-level lecture courses and give you the option to learn at your own pace and on the topics that interest you. Kanopy Kids shows popular tv shows, videos, short films and even storytimes. Each Kanopy user can view up to 10 films per month. Once a film has been played for 5 seconds, it counts a view. After a kids film has been viewed, you have unlimited access to Kanopy Kids for 30 days. The first kids film opened counts as one of the 10 views. For the Great Courses, you can have unlimited access to one series for 30 days. Each time a different Great Courses is opened, one of the 10 views are used. To start using Kanopy, all you have to do is create an account with your library card. Click here and click on "Don't have an account yet?" in the top right corner. Once you input your library card number, it will have you set up your own account that will be connected to that library card number.Visit
This database includes full-text journals and other sources in linguistics, including many titles indexed in Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA). It covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.Visit
ProQuest Learning: Literature (PQLL) is a rich literature solution for schools that offers multiple literary traditions and perspectives. PQLL supports key student use cases such as introducing high school literature students to authors from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Editorially created topic pages include hundreds of author biographies, literary work summaries and analyses, and genre and movement pages. Journal, magazine, and other content types provide authoritative and current coverage of famous and lesser-known novelists, poets, and playwrights, as well as much-studied topics like the Harlem Renaissance, the Beat Generation, and Transcendentalism.Visit
ProQuest One Literature brings together the most comprehensive collection of primary texts, ebooks, reference sources, full-text journals, dissertations, video and more, for unparalleled access to historical and contemporary content by and about celebrated and lesser-known authors from around the world.Visit
We have a variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks available to download from Overdrive and the Libby App. Just visit your app store to download either program to your phone or tablet. With the Overdrive App, click "sign-in" and then select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" from the drop-down list. Enter your library card number and PIN to sign in. Then you will be taken to the Overdrive home page where you can search through all of the eBooks and eAudiobooks. With the Libby App, open the app and select the Libby icon in the top right corner. Then select "Add A Library" and enter "Arkansas" in the search bar. Next, select "Saline County Library" and click "Sign In With My Library Card." From here, you will follow steps similar to the Overdrive App. Click the drop-down arrow and select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" and enter your library card number and PIN. Now click "Enter The Library" to begin searching through all of the eLibrary materials.Visit
Pop Culture Universe is a digital database on popular culture in America, both past and present. It is configured by decade to showcase the icons, idols, and ideas of the different eras in American history.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
The Salem Press database provides Saline County library's curated selection of books from Grey House Publishing, including Literature, Science, Health, and Career advice. To log-in, use login name: salinecountylibrary and password: 24766.Visit
Use SIRS Issues Researcher to locate articles about controversial issues selected from newspapers, magazines, journals, and government publications. It features information about a variety of social, scientific, health, historic, economic, business, and political issues from around the world. SIRS Researcher provides background and analysis on 350+ leading issues, providing pros and cons on social, scientific, health, historic, economic, political, and global issues.Visit
Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 21,3000 courses and 62 million students. Learn programming, marketing, data science and more. Using Udemy's course development tools, instructors can upload videos, source code for developers, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, audio, ZIP files and any other content that learners might find helpful. The Udemy mobile app allows users to view classes offline and to listen to lectures on the move in the app’s podcast mode. Udemy users can also watch courses through Apple TV and Google Chromecast. *To access, click the "visit" link below and then create your account by clicking "Sign In / Create a Udemy Account." Once you have created an account, you can log back in by clicking the same button and you will be redirected to your account.Visit
Premier Reference and Marketing Database including 30 million business profiles & 220 million residents. Ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends and relatives, and much more.Visit
This database is a longstanding, comprehensive Canadian periodical collection covering multiple subjects and topics, with millions of full-text records. Accessible to readers and researchers at every level, the Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database features a diversified mix of publications, including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, reports, radio and television transcripts, news, dissertations, and more.Visit
This database offers unparalleled access to the full text of over 400 Canadian news sources from Canada's leading publishers. This full text database includes the complete available electronic backfile for most newspapers. It provides full access to the articles, columns, editorials and features published in each. Most titles are updated daily and some backfiles date as far back as the late 1970s.Visit
ProQuest Career & Technical Education is the definitive source for vocational information. The database includes nearly 600 titles, with more than 500 available in full text for quick access to research on virtually any technical topic.Visit
VisitThe Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a U.S. government agency that makes sure banks, lenders, and other financial companies treat you fairly.The CFPB is committed to providing consumers with up-to-date information and resources to protect and manage their finances.
The online version of Consumer Reports provides expert and independent reviews of items for buyers.Visit
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by educational institutions in many European countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches. Topics include international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.Visit
This newly upgraded platform combines several ProQuest products, such as Entrepreneurship and Business Market Research collections, and adds JPMORGAN, Business eBooks, and Business Video. One Business is designed to support the unique needs of business professionals including entrepreneurs, accountants, tax professionals, and academic faculty and students.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 21,3000 courses and 62 million students. Learn programming, marketing, data science and more. Using Udemy's course development tools, instructors can upload videos, source code for developers, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, audio, ZIP files and any other content that learners might find helpful. The Udemy mobile app allows users to view classes offline and to listen to lectures on the move in the app’s podcast mode. Udemy users can also watch courses through Apple TV and Google Chromecast. *To access, click the "visit" link below and then create your account by clicking "Sign In / Create a Udemy Account." Once you have created an account, you can log back in by clicking the same button and you will be redirected to your account.Visit
ProQuest’s Education Magazine Archive
This database offers digital access to the archives of 26 leading education trade magazines of the 20th century. The collection includes articles from both general and subject-specific publications covering topics such as the history of education, educational leadership, early learning, higher education, vocational education, independent schools, and distance learning.
Premier Reference and Marketing Database including 30 million business profiles & 220 million residents. Ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends and relatives, and much more.Visit
Take a career assessment, explore 135+ trades, access the resource library, and watch many training resources, such as the OSHA Ladder Safety course and How to Read Blueprints. BlueCareer is brought to you by EBSCO Learning.Visit
JobNow provides you with practical tools to help you get a job. Get live interview coaching, expert resume analysis, and more.Visit
The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches. Topics include international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
School Library Connection (SLC) is an extensive learning resource center for school library professionals. As the combined evolution of School Library Monthly and Library Media Connection magazines, SLC maintains their commitment to providing those in the school library field with practical insights and inspiration while also advancing the scope and mission of its predecessors. SLC is helmed by instructional leaders in school librarianship and features self-paced professional learning, curricular support resources, and related materials to support teaching and professional learning.Visit
Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 21,3000 courses and 62 million students. Learn programming, marketing, data science and more. Using Udemy's course development tools, instructors can upload videos, source code for developers, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, audio, ZIP files and any other content that learners might find helpful. The Udemy mobile app allows users to view classes offline and to listen to lectures on the move in the app’s podcast mode. Udemy users can also watch courses through Apple TV and Google Chromecast. *To access, click the "visit" link below and then create your account by clicking "Sign In / Create a Udemy Account." Once you have created an account, you can log back in by clicking the same button and you will be redirected to your account.Visit
This collection provides unmatched discipline-specific coverage spanning thousands of publications, many in full text. Subjects include:Visit
- Computer Science
- Information Systems
- Computer Security
- Database Design
- Software Development
- Web Commerce
If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, we have the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.Visit
The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches. Topics include international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
The telecommunications database is an essential resource for anyone researching the industry or its technology. Whether you’re looking for the latest news on WAP technology, following market penetration of new technologies, or gathering information about the key players in this field, ProQuest Telecommunications helps you stay one step ahead. The database includes over 140 titles, with more than 115 available in full text. Search more than 600,000 records, dating back to the early 1990's. Coverage: 1995 - currentVisit
Subject coverage
- Telecommunications
- Computer applications
- Data communication
- Data transmission systems
- Electronic data processing
- Information science
- Information theory
- Radio
- Television
- Wireless communications
Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 21,3000 courses and 62 million students. Learn programming, marketing, data science and more. Using Udemy's course development tools, instructors can upload videos, source code for developers, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, audio, ZIP files and any other content that learners might find helpful. The Udemy mobile app allows users to view classes offline and to listen to lectures on the move in the app’s podcast mode. Udemy users can also watch courses through Apple TV and Google Chromecast. *To access, click the "visit" link below and then create your account by clicking "Sign In / Create a Udemy Account." Once you have created an account, you can log back in by clicking the same button and you will be redirected to your account.Visit
Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people, and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the U.S. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device. Please use the links below for: Saline Courier, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Collection, Hot Springs Village VoiceVisit
Explore Little Rock history through local news, events, and people with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
This database offers unparalleled access to the full text of over 400 Canadian news sources from Canada's leading publishers. This full text database includes the complete available electronic backfile for most newspapers. It provides full access to the articles, columns, editorials and features published in each. Most titles are updated daily and some backfiles date as far back as the late 1970s.Visit
In the modern news world, newswires are the chief source of timely news and, with increasing pressures on the traditional news industry, newswires are often the only news coverage for many large regions of the globe. Global Breaking Newswires is the premier library news product providing timely access to the best newswire content available from around the globe for the modern researcher as well as growing archive of news indexed and accessible through the familiar & popular research functionality of the ProQuest platform.Visit
Search full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and more from current and archived issues of the Hot Springs Village Voice. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
International NewsStream provides the most recent news content outside of the US and Canada, with archives which stretch back decades. NewsStream features newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format. ProQuest International NewsStream provides information from more than 660 of the world's top newspapers, including The Times (London), The Bangkok Post, El Norte, Financial Times, The Guardian, Jerusalem Post, South China Morning Post, The Daily Telegraph, Asian Wall Street Journal, and the BBC Monitoring series of publications.Visit
This database helps students develop an in-depth understanding of how society shapes and is shaped by controversy. It provides authoritative historical context, expert perspectives, and carefully selected sources on today's most important issues.Visit
We have a variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks available to download from Overdrive and the Libby App. Just visit your app store to download either program to your phone or tablet. With the Overdrive App, click "sign-in" and then select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" from the drop-down list. Enter your library card number and PIN to sign in. Then you will be taken to the Overdrive home page where you can search through all of the eBooks and eAudiobooks. With the Libby App, open the app and select the Libby icon in the top right corner. Then select "Add A Library" and enter "Arkansas" in the search bar. Next, select "Saline County Library" and click "Sign In With My Library Card." From here, you will follow steps similar to the Overdrive App. Click the drop-down arrow and select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" and enter your library card number and PIN. Now click "Enter The Library" to begin searching through all of the eLibrary materials.Visit
The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches. Topics include international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.Visit
You can access the NY Times for free while using the Saline County Library WiFi. Just log onto the library WiFi, then click the link to register your NY Times account. You can also access the NY Times without library WiFi for free for 24 hours here. To activate this subscription, you will need to log in or register first.Visit
This newly upgraded platform combines several ProQuest products, such as Entrepreneurship and Business Market Research collections, and adds JPMORGAN, Business eBooks, and Business Video. One Business is designed to support the unique needs of business professionals including entrepreneurs, accountants, tax professionals, and academic faculty and students.Visit
We have a variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks available to download from Overdrive and the Libby App. Just visit your app store to download either program to your phone or tablet. With the Overdrive App, click "sign-in" and then select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" from the drop-down list. Enter your library card number and PIN to sign in. Then you will be taken to the Overdrive home page where you can search through all of the eBooks and eAudiobooks. With the Libby App, open the app and select the Libby icon in the top right corner. Then select "Add A Library" and enter "Arkansas" in the search bar. Next, select "Saline County Library" and click "Sign In With My Library Card." From here, you will follow steps similar to the Overdrive App. Click the drop-down arrow and select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" and enter your library card number and PIN. Now click "Enter The Library" to begin searching through all of the eLibrary materials.Visit
Political Science Database gives users access to hundreds of leading political science, public policy, and international relations journals. It also includes thousands of recent full-text doctoral dissertations on political science topics, together with working papers, conference proceedings, country reports, policy papers and other sources. Coverage: 1985 - currentVisit
Pop Culture Universe is a digital database on popular culture in America, both past and present. It is configured by decade to showcase the icons, idols, and ideas of the different eras in American history.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
Explore Saline County history through local news, events and people with the Saline Courier Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
Use SIRS Issues Researcher to locate articles about controversial issues selected from newspapers, magazines, journals, and government publications. It features information about a variety of social, scientific, health, historic, economic, business, and political issues from around the world. SIRS Researcher provides background and analysis on 350+ leading issues, providing pros and cons on social, scientific, health, historic, economic, political, and global issues.Visit
This interactive database helps students better understand the geographic, historic, social, political, cultural, and economic landscape of the United States, as well as the complexities underlying the challenges facing the nation and individual states.Visit
U.S. Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s. It features newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format. For academic and public libraries, U.S. Newsstream offers exclusive access to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and co-exclusive access (with Factiva) to The Wall Street Journal. U.S. Newsstream also offers one of the largest collections of local and regional newspapers, and is cross-searchable on the ProQuest platform.Visit
Includes student learning modules related to African American studies; includes biographies, scholarly articles, primary sources, and images.Visit
Search essential records for African-Americans, including federal census, marriage and cohabitation records, military draft and service records, registries of slaves, and more.Visit
America's Genealogy bank and America's Obituaries are now Heritage Hub! Heritage Hub provides access to hundreds of years of obituaries and death notices from thousands of newspapers across the United States. Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 – today. HeritageHub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information and potentially unknown family members. Includes deep coverage from all 50 states, hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s, and original obituary images. Access is available 24/7.Visit
Explore early American history to support genealogical and local history research, school homework assignments and more. Features more than 1,100 historical newspapers from all 50 states. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people, and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the U.S. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device. Please use the links below for: Saline Courier, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Collection, Hot Springs Village VoiceVisit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the history of African-Americans by time periods.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the history of Latino Americans by time periods.Visit
Find Census, birth, marriage, death records, and more. Available only inside the library.Visit
Explore Little Rock history through local news, events, and people with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
Chronicling America is a Library of Congress website dedicated to the preservation of historic newspapers from all fifty states. Arkansas Heritage has contributed over 200,000 pages, including 64 newspaper tiles, representing 27 counties. This information, covering the years 1830 - 1923, was not previously digitized and is part of a national effort to help researchers and historians access local information from this time period. There are search and chat features to ask for live assistance from historians and archival librarians, experts in research!Visit
Dun's Reference Book collection has national coverage and includes "merchants, manufacturers, and traders" in a wide range of industries from the largest cities to the smallest towns across the United States and Canada. Researchers can use these directories to: Look up a particular company, see a list of businesses in a particular city or town, understand the biggest industries in a community, and/or provide more context for your family tree.Visit
Early American Sources has added a list of Arkansas archives and research libraries to their website. Link to them here! This site links to collections departments and historic documents at the Arkansas State Library, the State Archives, Crystal Bridges, and many other libraries and research centers throughout the Natural State. A great place to start your research on all things Arkansas!Visit
FamilySearch is a nonprofit organization whose website offering genealogical records and software. It is operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and is closely connected with the Family History Department of the church.Visit
This website organizes cemeteries by county, then city/community, then specific cemetery. It offers search options by first and last name, Year born, and year died. Advanced search options include maiden names, nicknames, and like spellings, and in many cases offers GPS locations.Visit
Fold3 provides convenient access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served. The records at Fold3 help you discover and share stories about these everyday heroes, forgotten soldiers, and the families that supported them. On Fold3, you can combine records found on the site with what you have in your own albums and shoeboxes to create an online memorial for someone who served. The Fold3 name comes from a traditional flag folding ceremony in which the third fold is made in honor and remembrance of veterans who served in defense of their country and to maintain peace throughout the world.Visit
Discover your family history with billions of census records dating back to the 1700s.Visit
Welcome to History Hub, a research support community for everyone, including genealogists, historians, and citizen archivistsVisit
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation's record keeper. These valuable records are preserved and are available to you, whether you want to see if they contain clues about your family’s history, need to prove a veteran’s military service, or are researching a historical topic that interests you.Visit
The first Federal Population Census was taken in 1790, and has been taken every ten years since. Because of a 72-year restriction on access to the Census, the most recent year available is 1950. The 1950 Census was released on April 1, 2022. This database, presented by the National Archives and Records Administration, provides easy access to the rich data provided by this release, made available on April 1 of 2022.Visit
Since 2011 RootsTech by FamilySearch has been a family gathering unlike any other. The annual conference, first held in Salt Lake City, Utah, has grown and changed since those early days. From in-person to the entirely virtual, world-wide conference held just last year, RootsTech has always been a celebration of connection—past, present and future
Index for Saline County obituaries from the Saline Courier. Years include 1930 to the present. These are sorted in two ways: by date of death notice and by last name.Visit
Explore Saline County history through local news, events and people with the Saline Courier Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
Produced for over a century, Sanborn maps chart the growth and development of more than 12,000 American towns and cities. Sanborn maps are large-scale plans of a city or town, drawn at a scale of 50 feet to an inch. They were created to assist fire insurance companies as they assessed the risk associated with insuring a particular property. The maps list street blocks and building numbers including numbers in use at the time the map was made and previous numbers.Visit
The Coffelt Database of Vietnam War casualties has its roots in an effort begun by Richard Donham Coffelt. A Korean War era soldier and later an attorney in Hays, Kansas, Richard became aware that the government had not made public a central source of information regarding the servicemen and women who died as a result of service in Vietnam. In 1980 Richard set out to determine the unit of assignment for each Army soldier who died in Vietnam.Visit
This interdisciplinary database offers abstracts and citations to a wide range of research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science. Supporting over two dozen areas of expertise, this database provides access to literature from over 6000 serials, as well as conference proceedings, technical reports, monographs and selected books and patents.Visit
ClinicalTrials.gov is a registry and results database of federally and privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States and around the world. ClinicalTrials.gov gives you information about a trial's purpose, who may participate, locations, and phone numbers for more details. This information should be used in conjunction with advice from health care professionals.Visit
This database includes journals and magazines covering an enormous range of health subjects, from sports injuries to women's health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistryVisit
Genetics Home Reference provides information in high-school-level language about genetic conditions and the genes related to those conditions.Visit
This database offers reliable, comprehensive journal coverage of clinical and biomedical topics, consumer health, health administration and more. Subject coverage:Visit
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Microbiology
- Immunology
This database helps students develop an in-depth understanding of a variety of health and wellness topics, providing authoritative historical context, expert perspectives, and carefully selected primary and secondary sources on today's most important health and wellness issues. Categorized by themes, this database provides information on health related issues in an easy-to-read format.Visit
This database is a collection of reliable and relevant resources in the field of health administration, including journals and dissertations.Visit
MEDLINE® is a bibliographic database produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The database contains millions of citations, derived from thousands of biomedical and life science journals, and indexed with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) from the NLM controlled vocabulary. Extending back to 1946, annual input now exceeds 700,000 citations.Visit
The National Library of Medicine's online catalog, providing information about the Library's holding of books, journal titles, and audiovisuals.Visit
The NLM Gateway is best understood as “first-stop shopping” for NLM's collections of resources. Its twenty separate systems are grouped visually into three collections appropriate for users from a wide variety of educational levels. Each database has a link to its own separate interface.Visit
This database offers comprehensive coverage of the fields of nursing and allied health including journals, video, dissertations, reference books and more. Subject coverage includes Nursing, Physical therapy, Nutrition, and more.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
This database provides abstracts and indexing for key Psychology titles, many which are available in full text. Many titles are indexed in PsycINFO. Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.Visit
This database allows you to search the core literature in the field of public health.Visit
Subject coverage
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Physical fitness and hygiene
- Social services and welfare
- Statistics
- Drug abuse and alcoholism
- Special education and rehabilitation
- Environmental studies
- Nurses and nursing
- Pediatrics
ABC-CLIO is a publishing company for academic reference works and periodicals primarily on topics such as history and social sciences for educational and public library settings. Available through the Arkansas Department of Education, ABC stands for the American Bibliographic Center and Clio is the ancient Greek muse of history.Visit
Includes student learning modules related to African American studies; includes biographies, scholarly articles, primary sources, and images.Visit
American Government provides a complete, multifaceted examination of the foundations of our government and political system that supports any curriculum or research project focused on the government of the United States.Visit
From the explorers of the Americas to the issues of today’s headlines, American History investigates the people, events, and stories of our nation’s evolution by time periods.Visit
Surveys American history from the Colonial era and American Revolution through to the nation's rise to eminence as a global superpower. Analyzes American political conflict, economic development, and changing culture.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the history of African-Americans by time periods.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the American Indian experience by time period.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the history of Latino Americans by time periods.Visit
This database from ProQuest provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Australia and New Zealand. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
Browse photos from years past archived by the Benton Courier and donated to the Gann Museum.Visit
Chronicling America is a Library of Congress website dedicated to the preservation of historic newspapers from all fifty states. Arkansas Heritage has contributed over 200,000 pages, including 64 newspaper tiles, representing 27 counties. This information, covering the years 1830 - 1923, was not previously digitized and is part of a national effort to help researchers and historians access local information from this time period. There are search and chat features to ask for live assistance from historians and archival librarians, experts in research!Visit
Experience the world through cultural information on more than 200 countries. You may choose the Kids Edition to get a kid's-eye view of daily life in countries around the world, the States Edition to explore all the U.S. states, or the Provinces Edition to tour all the Canadian provinces and territories. -
Dun's Reference Book collection has national coverage and includes "merchants, manufacturers, and traders" in a wide range of industries from the largest cities to the smallest towns across the United States and Canada. Researchers can use these directories to: Look up a particular company, see a list of businesses in a particular city or town, understand the biggest industries in a community, and/or provide more context for your family tree.Visit
Early American Sources has added a list of Arkansas archives and research libraries to their website. Link to them here! This site links to collections departments and historic documents at the Arkansas State Library, the State Archives, Crystal Bridges, and many other libraries and research centers throughout the Natural State. A great place to start your research on all things Arkansas!Visit
Fold3 provides convenient access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served. The records at Fold3 help you discover and share stories about these everyday heroes, forgotten soldiers, and the families that supported them. On Fold3, you can combine records found on the site with what you have in your own albums and shoeboxes to create an online memorial for someone who served. The Fold3 name comes from a traditional flag folding ceremony in which the third fold is made in honor and remembrance of veterans who served in defense of their country and to maintain peace throughout the world.Visit
This targeted collection of full-text journals and popular magazines provides expansive coverage of a wide range of global historical topics and themes. Appropriate for use by researchers at all levels, this collection of authoritative current and archival secondary sources offers vital context and varied perspectives on thousands of topics from world history. Authoritative and engaging, the History Study Center provides a launching point for the study of history from ancient times through today.Visit
The Internet Archive is an American digital library with the stated mission of "universal access to all knowledge." It provides free public access to collections of digitized materials, including websites, software applications/games, music, movies/videos, moving images, and millions of books. As of December 2021, the Internet Archive holds over 34 million books and texts, 7.4 million movies, videos and TV shows, 797,000 software programs, 13,991,923 audio files, 4.1 million images, and 640 billion web pagesVisit
The first Federal Population Census was taken in 1790, and has been taken every ten years since. Because of a 72-year restriction on access to the Census, the most recent year available is 1950. The 1950 Census was released on April 1, 2022. This database, presented by the National Archives and Records Administration, provides easy access to the rich data provided by this release, made available on April 1 of 2022.Visit
Pop Culture Universe is a digital database on popular culture in America, both past and present. It is configured by decade to showcase the icons, idols, and ideas of the different eras in American history.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
Index for Saline County obituaries from the Saline Courier. Years include 1930 to the present. These are sorted in two ways: by date of death notice and by last name.Visit
Produced for over a century, Sanborn maps chart the growth and development of more than 12,000 American towns and cities. Sanborn maps are large-scale plans of a city or town, drawn at a scale of 50 feet to an inch. They were created to assist fire insurance companies as they assessed the risk associated with insuring a particular property. The maps list street blocks and building numbers including numbers in use at the time the map was made and previous numbers.Visit
The Coffelt Database of Vietnam War casualties has its roots in an effort begun by Richard Donham Coffelt. A Korean War era soldier and later an attorney in Hays, Kansas, Richard became aware that the government had not made public a central source of information regarding the servicemen and women who died as a result of service in Vietnam. In 1980 Richard set out to determine the unit of assignment for each Army soldier who died in Vietnam.Visit
Dive in to history with this unique, interactive view! World Book Timelines offers hundreds of pre-generated timelines across eight broad topics, which cover various time periods in history or span the life of historical public figures. Users can also create their own timelines from scratch, adding events, descriptions, and media.Visit
World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras covers early human history around the globe—from prehistoric times to the beginnings of the Renaissance.Visit
World History: The Modern Era covers human history around the globe—from the beginnings of the Renaissance to the present day.Visit
World Book’s new comprehensive Spanish database with more than 170,000 articles, images, and videos designed for native Spanish-speaking researchers and advanced bilingual and ESL students.Visit
Brainfuse LearnNow offers resources for students from k-12 through college. Read lessons. Watch videos. Take tests. Know more.Visit
Colorín Colorado is the premier national website serving educators and families of English language learners (ELLs) in Grades PreK-12. Colorín Colorado has been providing free research-based information, activities, and advice to parents, schools, and communities around the country for more than a decade.Visit
Gallaudet University is the premier institution of learning, teaching and research for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. For more than 150 years, Gallaudet has produced leaders and innovators who have influenced history. Jump into basic ASL Vocabulary with videos, categorized by theme or learn basic ASL with free online interactive lessons.Visit
Pronunciator is a language learning software database used to learn a new language in ways that can be playful and fun. This includes language learning (for the most common languages) through movies, poetry and music -- and a virtual tutor. You can engage with the computer and improve pronunciation through speech-recognition software with over 80 languages. Users will need to create an individual account.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
Arkansas Legal Services Online, provided by the Center for Arkansas Legal Services and Legal Aid of Arkansas, assists every county in the state with priority subjects such as family law, consumer issues, bankruptcy or evictions.Visit
Criminal Justice Database is a comprehensive database supporting research on crime. It explores the causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. As well as U.S. and international scholarly journals, it includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, dissertations, crime reports, crime blogs and other material relevant for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement and related fields. Coverage: 1981 - currentVisit
Legal Information Reference Center is an online database designed to assist the general public in legal matters of all kinds. It includes exclusive full text for many top consumer legal reference books, as well as thousands of legal forms.Visit
The Arkansas DMV Driving Tests website provides free permit practice tests, written by experts, that are available to anyone who wants to study. This website also provides online copies of official state guides.Visit
Provided by the Arkansas State Police, this website has PDF downloads of the Arkansas Driver Exam study guide.Visit
Chilton Library provides exclusive photographs, diagnostics designed by instructors, step-by-step repair procedures, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) maintenance schedules, wiring diagrams, recalls and Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) for automobiles and light trucks in one easy-to-use website. Since this library subscribes to Chilton Library, you are now equipped with decades of data to maintain your vehicle.Visit
Answer real DMV questions and get immediate feedback for free with no registration required. Take as many practice tests as you want, until you're ready to take the real DMV test! This website will increase your chances of passing the official DMV test.Visit
The Internet Archive is an American digital library with the stated mission of "universal access to all knowledge." It provides free public access to collections of digitized materials, including websites, software applications/games, music, movies/videos, moving images, and millions of books. As of December 2021, the Internet Archive holds over 34 million books and texts, 7.4 million movies, videos and TV shows, 797,000 software programs, 13,991,923 audio files, 4.1 million images, and 640 billion web pagesVisit
Niche Academy helps you create elegant online tutorial experiences, making things easier for both instructors and learners.Visit
The Small Engine Repair Reference Center is intended for public library patrons, as well as public school teachers and students. It provides reference and instructional information about small engine machinery maintenance and repair.Visit
Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 21,3000 courses and 62 million students. Learn programming, marketing, data science and more. Using Udemy's course development tools, instructors can upload videos, source code for developers, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, audio, ZIP files and any other content that learners might find helpful. The Udemy mobile app allows users to view classes offline and to listen to lectures on the move in the app’s podcast mode. Udemy users can also watch courses through Apple TV and Google Chromecast. *To access, click the "visit" link below and then create your account by clicking "Sign In / Create a Udemy Account." Once you have created an account, you can log back in by clicking the same button and you will be redirected to your account.Visit
Explore Little Rock history through local news, events, and people with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
The Arkansas DMV Driving Tests website provides free permit practice tests, written by experts, that are available to anyone who wants to study. This website also provides online copies of official state guides.Visit
Provided by the Arkansas State Police, this website has PDF downloads of the Arkansas Driver Exam study guide.Visit
Arkansas Legal Services Online, provided by the Center for Arkansas Legal Services and Legal Aid of Arkansas, assists every county in the state with priority subjects such as family law, consumer issues, bankruptcy or evictions.Visit
Browse photos from years past archived by the Benton Courier and donated to the Gann Museum.Visit
Chronicling America is a Library of Congress website dedicated to the preservation of historic newspapers from all fifty states. Arkansas Heritage has contributed over 200,000 pages, including 64 newspaper tiles, representing 27 counties. This information, covering the years 1830 - 1923, was not previously digitized and is part of a national effort to help researchers and historians access local information from this time period. There are search and chat features to ask for live assistance from historians and archival librarians, experts in research!Visit
Early American Sources has added a list of Arkansas archives and research libraries to their website. Link to them here! This site links to collections departments and historic documents at the Arkansas State Library, the State Archives, Crystal Bridges, and many other libraries and research centers throughout the Natural State. A great place to start your research on all things Arkansas!Visit
Search full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and more from current and archived issues of the Hot Springs Village Voice. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
Saline County Cares is a collaboration of social service institutions, nonprofits, and businesses who support and celebrate individuals and families. Our collaborative approach combines efficient business practices with a commitment to furthering the impact of the diverse work of our member organizations.Visit
Index for Saline County obituaries from the Saline Courier. Years include 1930 to the present. These are sorted in two ways: by date of death notice and by last name.Visit
Welcome to the Saline County Collector ePayment Service This site was created to give taxpayers the opportunity to pay their personal and real estate taxes online.Visit
ARCountyData.com is the fastest and easiest way to access Arkansas county property information. From the convenience of your office or home you can research property sales histories, commercial and residential building descriptions, and legal descriptions. Simply click the county of your choice on the map, or select it from the drop down, to access its records and assess your property.Visit
Saline County uses ARCountyData.com as the fastest and easiest way to access Arkansas county property information. From the convenience of your office or home you can research property sales histories, commercial and residential building descriptions, and legal descriptions. Simply click the county of your choice, or select it from the drop down, to access its records.Visit
Explore Saline County history through local news, events and people with the Saline Courier Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.Visit
This bibliographic database, produced by the National Agricultural Library, consists of worldwide literature citations for journal articles, monographs, proceedings, theses, patents, translations, audiovisual materials, computer software, and technical reports pertaining to all aspects of agriculture and related fields. Since 1985, the CAB Thesaurus has been used to select controlled vocabulary terms for subject indexing. Library of Congress Subject Headings are used as controlled vocabulary for cataloging records.Visit
Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection offers full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. It also includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources as well as the renowned AGRICOLA and TOXLINE databases and content previously available in ESPM (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS). Coverage: 1960 - currentVisit
Subject coverage
- Agriculture
- Animal sciences
- Climate change and global warming
- Conservation (soil, water, and wildlife)
- Energy
- Environmental education
- Food and nutrition
- Pollution (air, noise, soil, and water)
- Water quality
Includes a comprehensive run of this acclaimed television series from 2009-2023. The BBC Horizon television program makes science accessible and engaging to students and reveals the science behind a broad range of topics including astronomy, physics, math, and the environment.Visit
Includes access to ground-breaking HD nature series such as Planet Earth, Blue Planet, and Big Cats, and Dynasties.Visit
This interdisciplinary database offers abstracts and citations to a wide range of research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science. Supporting over two dozen areas of expertise, this database provides access to literature from over 6000 serials, as well as conference proceedings, technical reports, monographs and selected books and patents.Visit
Library Science Database gives users full-text access to a selection of publications relevant to library and information science. It covers a range of titles and topics relevant to the theoretical and applied study of library science, including trade publications aimed at the library profession as well as scholarly journals. Coverage: 1970 - currentVisit
Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA) is an international abstracting and indexing tool designed for library professionals and other information specialists. LISA currently abstracts over 300 periodicals from around 40 countries and 20 languages, providing comprehensive bibliographic coverage of the scholarly literature related to library science. Subject coverage includes all aspects of librarianship, library users, information retrieval and more.Visit
The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches. Topics include international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
This database is a definitive resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences. With coverage dating back to 1986, ProQuest Science Journals features over 1030 titles, with more than 760 available in full text. Search over 2.7M records, dating back to the mid 1980s.Visit
Subject coverage
- General science
- Aerospace
- Engineering
- Computers
- Physics
The ProQuest STEM database is comprised of more than 500 scholarly journals and popular science magazines. These publications support research and instruction in science, technology, engineering, and math. All coverage is front-to-back full-text, with images and graphics reproduced exactly as they appear in the original editions. ProQuest's STEM database offers something for students and educators at multiple grade levels. Coverage: 1997 - current View title listVisit
Subject coverage
- Earth sciences
- Life sciences
- Physical sciences
- Medical sciences
- Applied sciences
Today’s Science bridges the gap between the science taught in class and real-world discoveries. It gives in-depth explanations of important advances in biology, chemistry, environmental science, space, physics, and technology. Thousands of original articles written by scientists and science journalists are presented in easy-to-understand language. With its featured articles, Conversations with Scientists, crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons with questions, an extensive backfile and more, this essential STEM resource shows how the scientific method can be applied to everyday life, helping users think like scientists—applied science in a nutshell.Visit
Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 21,3000 courses and 62 million students. Learn programming, marketing, data science and more. Using Udemy's course development tools, instructors can upload videos, source code for developers, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, audio, ZIP files and any other content that learners might find helpful. The Udemy mobile app allows users to view classes offline and to listen to lectures on the move in the app’s podcast mode. Udemy users can also watch courses through Apple TV and Google Chromecast. *To access, click the "visit" link below and then create your account by clicking "Sign In / Create a Udemy Account." Once you have created an account, you can log back in by clicking the same button and you will be redirected to your account.Visit
ProQuest’s Education Magazine Archive
This database offers digital access to the archives of 26 leading education trade magazines of the 20th century. The collection includes articles from both general and subject-specific publications covering topics such as the history of education, educational leadership, early learning, higher education, vocational education, independent schools, and distance learning.
ABC-CLIO is a publishing company for academic reference works and periodicals primarily on topics such as history and social sciences for educational and public library settings. Available through the Arkansas Department of Education, ABC stands for the American Bibliographic Center and Clio is the ancient Greek muse of history.Visit
Includes student learning modules related to African American studies; includes biographies, scholarly articles, primary sources, and images.Visit
Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people, and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the U.S. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device. Please use the links below for: Saline Courier, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Collection, Hot Springs Village VoiceVisit
American Government provides a complete, multifaceted examination of the foundations of our government and political system that supports any curriculum or research project focused on the government of the United States.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the history of African-Americans by time periods.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the American Indian experience by time period.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the history of Latino Americans by time periods.Visit
This database from ProQuest provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Australia and New Zealand. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
World Book’s new comprehensive Spanish database with more than 170,000 articles, images, and videos designed for native Spanish-speaking researchers and advanced bilingual and ESL students.Visit
Includes a comprehensive run of this acclaimed television series from 2009-2023. The BBC Horizon television program makes science accessible and engaging to students and reveals the science behind a broad range of topics including astronomy, physics, math, and the environment.Visit
HelpNow provides live tutoring on a variety of subjects, offering a comprehensive suite of online academic services designed to support many learning needs and styles. To access ACT and SAT prep materials, click on "Skillsurfer" under "Expert Help." You will then be able to select "College Entrance Test Prep" and choose your preferred test and subject.Visit
Brainfuse LearnNow offers resources for students from k-12 through college. Read lessons. Watch videos. Take tests. Know more.Visit
Colorín Colorado is the premier national website serving educators and families of English language learners (ELLs) in Grades PreK-12. Colorín Colorado has been providing free research-based information, activities, and advice to parents, schools, and communities around the country for more than a decade.Visit
Experience the world through cultural information on more than 200 countries. You may choose the Kids Edition to get a kid's-eye view of daily life in countries around the world, the States Edition to explore all the U.S. states, or the Provinces Edition to tour all the Canadian provinces and territories. -
If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, we have the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.Visit
Answer real DMV questions and get immediate feedback for free with no registration required. Take as many practice tests as you want, until you're ready to take the real DMV test! This website will increase your chances of passing the official DMV test.Visit
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many East Asian and South Asian countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
This collection from ProQuest provides access to authoritative eBooks from the world's top publishers on a range of subjects: arts, business management, education, general knowledge, health & medicine, history & political science, law, literature & language, religion & philosophy, science & technology, and social science.Visit
Education Database supports the study and application of education across all levels of education, including early childhood education, primary and secondary education, and higher education. The database supports global study and research, including thousands of full-text journals, dissertations and other relevant sources. Coverage: 1988 - currentVisit
This research guide lists all Proquest databases by elementary, middle, or senior high school levels. It is a great place to start your research.Visit
A massive, multidisciplinary database, designed for students and educators at high schools, community colleges, and four-year universities. Editorially created pages provide valuable context for both common and obscure research topics. The content, which is all full text, includes books, magazines, journals, newspapers, photographs, transcripts, and videos.Visit
With eLibrary’s Research Platform, users can review the best (and most visually attractive) content, curated by editors, on more that 11,000 of the most popular search queries. A great starting point to learn the context behind the topic before exploring the article results.Visit
ERIC - the Education Resources Information Center - is the largest education database in the world, containing over one million records of journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, and books.Visit
Gale, a Cengage company, partners with librarians and educators around the world to connect learners to essential content through user-friendly technology that enhances experiences and improves learning outcomes. This central database uses subject indices to direct you to a large catalog of available eBook titles.Visit
This database helps students develop an in-depth understanding of a variety of health and wellness topics, providing authoritative historical context, expert perspectives, and carefully selected primary and secondary sources on today's most important health and wellness issues. Categorized by themes, this database provides information on health related issues in an easy-to-read format.Visit
This database is a collection of reliable and relevant resources in the field of health administration, including journals and dissertations.Visit
This database provides journals that are locally published in many Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
Library Science Database gives users full-text access to a selection of publications relevant to library and information science. It covers a range of titles and topics relevant to the theoretical and applied study of library science, including trade publications aimed at the library profession as well as scholarly journals. Coverage: 1970 - currentVisit
This database includes full-text journals and other sources in linguistics, including many titles indexed in Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA). It covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.Visit
Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA) is an international abstracting and indexing tool designed for library professionals and other information specialists. LISA currently abstracts over 300 periodicals from around 40 countries and 20 languages, providing comprehensive bibliographic coverage of the scholarly literature related to library science. Subject coverage includes all aspects of librarianship, library users, information retrieval and more.Visit
ProQuest Learning: Literature (PQLL) is a rich literature solution for schools that offers multiple literary traditions and perspectives. PQLL supports key student use cases such as introducing high school literature students to authors from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Editorially created topic pages include hundreds of author biographies, literary work summaries and analyses, and genre and movement pages. Journal, magazine, and other content types provide authoritative and current coverage of famous and lesser-known novelists, poets, and playwrights, as well as much-studied topics like the Harlem Renaissance, the Beat Generation, and Transcendentalism.Visit
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Middle Eastern and African countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
ProQuest One Literature brings together the most comprehensive collection of primary texts, ebooks, reference sources, full-text journals, dissertations, video and more, for unparalleled access to historical and contemporary content by and about celebrated and lesser-known authors from around the world.Visit
We have a variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks available to download from Overdrive and the Libby App. Just visit your app store to download either program to your phone or tablet. With the Overdrive App, click "sign-in" and then select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" from the drop-down list. Enter your library card number and PIN to sign in. Then you will be taken to the Overdrive home page where you can search through all of the eBooks and eAudiobooks. With the Libby App, open the app and select the Libby icon in the top right corner. Then select "Add A Library" and enter "Arkansas" in the search bar. Next, select "Saline County Library" and click "Sign In With My Library Card." From here, you will follow steps similar to the Overdrive App. Click the drop-down arrow and select "Mid-Ark Regional Library System" and enter your library card number and PIN. Now click "Enter The Library" to begin searching through all of the eLibrary materials.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
This database provides abstracts and indexing for key Psychology titles, many which are available in full text. Many titles are indexed in PsycINFO. Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.Visit
ProQuest's Religion Database provides a wide range of periodicals and other sources for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of many worldwide religions. As well as scholarly journals there are many titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.Visit
Research Companion supports educators as they teach the core information literacy principles of finding, evaluating, and using information. More than 80 short videos are organized into nine Learning Modules that answer questions like "How do I choose a topic?" "Where do I find information?" and "How do I evaluate sources?" The viewing experience is also interactive, allowing educators to measure students’ learning and to identify gaps in their understanding.Visit
ProQuest Research Library provides one-stop access to thousands of full-text periodicals from one of the broadest, most inclusive general reference databases ProQuest has to offer. Search from a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, and magazines covering over 150 subjects and topics.Visit
The Salem Press database provides Saline County library's curated selection of books from Grey House Publishing, including Literature, Science, Health, and Career advice. To log-in, use login name: salinecountylibrary and password: 24766.Visit
School Library Connection (SLC) is an extensive learning resource center for school library professionals. As the combined evolution of School Library Monthly and Library Media Connection magazines, SLC maintains their commitment to providing those in the school library field with practical insights and inspiration while also advancing the scope and mission of its predecessors. SLC is helmed by instructional leaders in school librarianship and features self-paced professional learning, curricular support resources, and related materials to support teaching and professional learning.Visit
This database is a definitive resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences. With coverage dating back to 1986, ProQuest Science Journals features over 1030 titles, with more than 760 available in full text. Search over 2.7M records, dating back to the mid 1980s.Visit
Subject coverage
- General science
- Aerospace
- Engineering
- Computers
- Physics
SIRS Discoverer is a general reference database for elementary and middle school learners, researchers, and educators. It covers curriculum areas and content sets such as reading, language arts, current events, science, social studies, history, health, and technology. SIRS Discoverer provides editorially-selected, indexed, and curated materials from over 2,100 newspapers, magazines, and websites offering guided research for young researchers.Visit
Social Science Database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, communication, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.Visit
Sociology Database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including relevant titles from related fields such as social policy, social care, social services, social anthropology, gender studies, gerontology, social psychology and population studies. It includes hundreds of full-text scholarly journals, as well as dissertations and other sources. Coverage: 1985 - currentVisit
Today’s Science bridges the gap between the science taught in class and real-world discoveries. It gives in-depth explanations of important advances in biology, chemistry, environmental science, space, physics, and technology. Thousands of original articles written by scientists and science journalists are presented in easy-to-understand language. With its featured articles, Conversations with Scientists, crossword puzzles, editorial cartoons with questions, an extensive backfile and more, this essential STEM resource shows how the scientific method can be applied to everyday life, helping users think like scientists—applied science in a nutshell.Visit
Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 21,3000 courses and 62 million students. Learn programming, marketing, data science and more. Using Udemy's course development tools, instructors can upload videos, source code for developers, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, audio, ZIP files and any other content that learners might find helpful. The Udemy mobile app allows users to view classes offline and to listen to lectures on the move in the app’s podcast mode. Udemy users can also watch courses through Apple TV and Google Chromecast. *To access, click the "visit" link below and then create your account by clicking "Sign In / Create a Udemy Account." Once you have created an account, you can log back in by clicking the same button and you will be redirected to your account.Visit
This interactive database helps students better understand the geographic, historic, social, political, cultural, and economic landscape of the United States, as well as the complexities underlying the challenges facing the nation and individual states.Visit
World Book Advanced is a powerful reference tool that includes full encyclopedic and multimedia databases supplemented with online books, primary sources, website links, Back in Time articles, special reports and more.Visit
World Book Discover assists differentiated learners and older adults with a research database that offers a practical Life Skills section. A collection of unique videos, featuring expert answers to often asked questions, and a visual dictionary make content more accessible for readers of all levels.Visit
Welcome to Early Learning by World Book, the premier online resource for preschoolers and children in the early elementary grades. Developed with experts on early childhood education and guided by evidence-based practices of reading instruction, Early Learning offers rich resources designed for easy integration into the classroom curriculum, public library programming, or learning at home.Visit
World Book Kids is designed to encourage the young learner to be curious. This online encyclopedia includes eBooks, videos, activities, read-aloud, and translation features. With thousands of articles, multimedia content, and a collection of biographies, there is something for all levels of learners.Visit
World Book Student is aimed toward an audience of upper-elementary through middle school students. Special features include a timeline builder, individual research accounts, and a "How to Do Research" features that will help students develop information literacy skills.Visit
Dive in to history with this unique, interactive view! World Book Timelines offers hundreds of pre-generated timelines across eight broad topics, which cover various time periods in history or span the life of historical public figures. Users can also create their own timelines from scratch, adding events, descriptions, and media.Visit
World Book’s mission focuses on developing a collaborative digital learning platform backed by editorial excellence, invaluable resources, and effective tools that support personalized teaching and learning. World Book serves over 100 million students across 65+ countries. This index includes all of World Book's resources in one database, a great place for all ages to begin their research.Visit
World Geography provides authoritative content and online tools that develop students’ global literacy, focusing on the geographic, political, social, economic, and cultural forces that are increasingly important in our globalized world.Visit
World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras covers early human history around the globe—from prehistoric times to the beginnings of the Renaissance.Visit
World History: The Modern Era covers human history around the globe—from the beginnings of the Renaissance to the present day.Visit
Includes student learning modules related to African American studies; includes biographies, scholarly articles, primary sources, and images.Visit
Includes student learning modules related to African American studies; includes biographies, scholarly articles, primary sources, and images.Visit
Surveys American history from the Colonial era and American Revolution through to the nation's rise to eminence as a global superpower. Analyzes American political conflict, economic development, and changing culture.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the American Indian experience by time period.Visit
An imprint of ABC-Clio, this American Mosaic database explores the history of Latino Americans by time periods.Visit
This database from ProQuest provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Australia and New Zealand. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
World Book’s new comprehensive Spanish database with more than 170,000 articles, images, and videos designed for native Spanish-speaking researchers and advanced bilingual and ESL students.Visit
Includes a comprehensive run of this acclaimed television series from 2009-2023. The BBC Horizon television program makes science accessible and engaging to students and reveals the science behind a broad range of topics including astronomy, physics, math, and the environment.Visit
Includes access to ground-breaking HD nature series such as Planet Earth, Blue Planet, and Big Cats, and Dynasties.Visit
This database is a longstanding, comprehensive Canadian periodical collection covering multiple subjects and topics, with millions of full-text records. Accessible to readers and researchers at every level, the Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database features a diversified mix of publications, including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, reports, radio and television transcripts, news, dissertations, and more.Visit
This database offers unparalleled access to the full text of over 400 Canadian news sources from Canada's leading publishers. This full text database includes the complete available electronic backfile for most newspapers. It provides full access to the articles, columns, editorials and features published in each. Most titles are updated daily and some backfiles date as far back as the late 1970s.Visit
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by educational institutions in many European countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in East European and Central European countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
Ethnic NewsWatch is a current resource of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives. The database now also contains Ethnic NewsWatch: A History, which provides historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989.Visit
This targeted collection of full-text journals and popular magazines provides expansive coverage of a wide range of global historical topics and themes. Appropriate for use by researchers at all levels, this collection of authoritative current and archival secondary sources offers vital context and varied perspectives on thousands of topics from world history. Authoritative and engaging, the History Study Center provides a launching point for the study of history from ancient times through today.Visit
ProQuest Indian Journals is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary resource providing full-text, scholarly journals, all published in India. These scholarly sources support many academic fields of study, such as business, medicine, science, technology, social sciences and humanities. Providing a unique source of the very best scholarly periodical output from India, ProQuest Indian Journals is a current resource, with most coverage from the last five years and updated daily with new content.Visit
International NewsStream provides the most recent news content outside of the US and Canada, with archives which stretch back decades. NewsStream features newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format. ProQuest International NewsStream provides information from more than 660 of the world's top newspapers, including The Times (London), The Bangkok Post, El Norte, Financial Times, The Guardian, Jerusalem Post, South China Morning Post, The Daily Telegraph, Asian Wall Street Journal, and the BBC Monitoring series of publications.Visit
This database provides journals that are locally published in many Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Middle Eastern and African countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches. Topics include international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.Visit
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available. Like Google, ProQuest Central brings together numerous databases that can be searched together or individually. PQC encompasses complete databases across all major subject areas, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, and Philosophy. It includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.Visit
ProQuest's Religion Database provides a wide range of periodicals and other sources for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of many worldwide religions. As well as scholarly journals there are many titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.Visit
ProQuest's Turkey database provides journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Turkey. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
ProQuests's UK and Ireland database provides journals that are locally published in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.Visit
World Book Advanced is a powerful reference tool that includes full encyclopedic and multimedia databases supplemented with online books, primary sources, website links, Back in Time articles, special reports and more.Visit
World Book Discover assists differentiated learners and older adults with a research database that offers a practical Life Skills section. A collection of unique videos, featuring expert answers to often asked questions, and a visual dictionary make content more accessible for readers of all levels.Visit
World Geography provides authoritative content and online tools that develop students’ global literacy, focusing on the geographic, political, social, economic, and cultural forces that are increasingly important in our globalized world.Visit
World History: The Modern Era covers human history around the globe—from the beginnings of the Renaissance to the present day.Visit