A Tale of Three Theaters 

By Cody Berry  Downtown Benton was once home to three movie theaters but not all at the same time. The Palace was the oldest, then came the IMP (Independent Motion Pictures), which we now call the Royal, and the Victory. The Palace Theater was built in 1919 on West South Street in Benton just around … Continued

The Great Flood of 1978 

By Cody Berry  After seeing the news about all the damage caused by Hurricane Helene in the past few days, I was reminded about an entry I wrote in graduate school about another natural disaster. On September 13, 1978, a large rainstorm brought record-setting amounts of rainfall to Central Arkansas. 13 people lost their lives … Continued

Museum Day 2024 Recap

By Cody Berry  Saline County’s fourth annual Museum Day was a great success for the Gann Museum. This past Saturday, the museum welcomed more than 60 guests of all ages to see our “Building History” exhibit and more. From 10am until 4pm, ten Saline County museums were opened at the same time. Armed with stamps … Continued

Only The Names Have Changed

By Cody Berry After spending many, many hours scanning, organizing, and labeling pictures I’ve discovered in the museum, I’ve come across several old photos of things I recognize. The people in the photos — not so much. One of the cool things about living in such a well-preserved Southern town is that for the most … Continued

Cartoonist Ron Meyer’s illustrations added to Gann Museum

By Cody Berry Anyone who grew up reading the Saline Courier, or perhaps even the Democrat or the Gazette before their merger, will know the name Ron Meyer. Well, we’re happy to report that as of September 5, 2024, the Gann Museum now has hundreds more of his artworks to keep and share with our … Continued

The Legend of the Pink Panther

By Cody Berry Growing up in Benton, the first time I remember seeing the Pink Panther character had nothing to do with the movies. It was about football. Since the Panthers were our team, it made perfect sense that our mascot was a cartoon panther. But our mascot was a black panther not a pink … Continued

Frequently Asked Questions: The Gann House 

By Cody Berry  I’ve been asked many times if the Gann House is part of the museum or if it’s part of the tour. The answer to both of those questions is “no.” While the Gann House is the former home of the Gann family, it is still a private residence. It is not part … Continued

Free Entry on Museum Day 2024

Saline County museums have partnered together to host the annual Saline County Museum Day on Saturday, September 14th, from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. The ten museums are: Saline County History and Heritage Society, Arkansas Firefighter Museum & Fire Education Center, The Shoppach House, Benton Athletic Memorial Museum, The Haskell Historical and Fire Museum, Boone … Continued

Bauxite: A Company Town 

 By Cody Berry  After covering what Bauxite ore is, and what it’s used for, I thought I should talk more about the town of Bauxite. When we have visitors from other states in the U.S. or other countries even, I often relate the Gann’s walls to the Bauxite mining industry in Saline County. The nearby … Continued

What is Niloak Pottery? 

By Cody Berry  Another frequently asked question I get from our patrons is “What is Niloak Pottery?” Well, Niloak is the name given to a popular line of art pottery made from locally sourced clays in Benton. Its creation is often credited to Benton’s own Charles Dean “Bullet” Hyten and Ohio potter Arthur Dovey but … Continued