East End’s First Birthday!
Our youngest branch, the East End Branch, was opened on April 1st last year, 2024. So this year, we’re celebrating!!!
On April 1st, 2025 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM, we’ll have crafts, activities, and treats at the East End Branch to celebrate one year of awesome library-ing! So, some of our stats for the … Continued
Bruce “Sunpie” Barnes
Photography above provided courtesy of Bruce “Sunpie” Barnes. By Cody Berry Way back when I was writing entries for the CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas, its editor Dr. Guy Lancaster, sent me an Arkansas Times article about Bruce “Sunpie” Barnes by David Ramsey. Dr. Lancaster asked if I was interested in writing an entry on Barnes … Continued
Book Recs of 2024!
Looking for an awesome book recommendation? Look no further – We’ve got you covered! Throughout the year, we’ve been sharing some of our favorite books on social media. Everything from horror to adventure, to the coziest stories to warm you up on a cold winter night! Are you looking for your next read to … Continued
Frequently Asked Questions: How was Niloak Pottery made?
By Cody Berry One of the things that the Gann Museum is known for is its collection of Niloak Pottery. We keep it on permanent display in Dr. Gann’s old exam room. When I give tours of the museum people usually comment on how pretty the pottery is. They also want to know how it’s … Continued
Unexpected Discoveries at the Gann
By Cody Berry This week and last week have been full of small discoveries at the Gann Museum. Last week, I was looking for picture frames to use in a future display when I came across a certificate from the National Register of Historic Places for the Old River Bridge. The certificate was printed in … Continued
Free Halloween Programs for All Ages
Free Halloween events are wicked this way comes! We’ve got a SPOOKY amount of fun for all ages headed your way! You don’t need a library card to attend, but don’t you know you can check out the scariest books, movies, and more with your library card!? If you don’t have a library card, … Continued
The Great Flood of 1978
By Cody Berry After seeing the news about all the damage caused by Hurricane Helene in the past few days, I was reminded about an entry I wrote in graduate school about another natural disaster. On September 13, 1978, a large rainstorm brought record-setting amounts of rainfall to Central Arkansas. 13 people lost their lives … Continued
Museum Day 2024 Recap
By Cody Berry Saline County’s fourth annual Museum Day was a great success for the Gann Museum. This past Saturday, the museum welcomed more than 60 guests of all ages to see our “Building History” exhibit and more. From 10am until 4pm, ten Saline County museums were opened at the same time. Armed with stamps … Continued
Only The Names Have Changed
By Cody Berry After spending many, many hours scanning, organizing, and labeling pictures I’ve discovered in the museum, I’ve come across several old photos of things I recognize. The people in the photos — not so much. One of the cool things about living in such a well-preserved Southern town is that for the most … Continued
Cartoonist Ron Meyer’s illustrations added to Gann Museum
By Cody Berry Anyone who grew up reading the Saline Courier, or perhaps even the Democrat or the Gazette before their merger, will know the name Ron Meyer. Well, we’re happy to report that as of September 5, 2024, the Gann Museum now has hundreds more of his artworks to keep and share with our … Continued