If you are hosting an event and would like to request the library participate, please fill out the form below or print and return the printable PDF form. Once received, our staff will review the request and contact you with any questions they may have. In accordance with our core values, we reserve the right to deny an “attendance request” if it does not align with the Saline County Library’s policies and mission statement or the guidelines of a County entity to which the Library must adhere. We must also take into consideration the availability of staff for each event; therefore, it is preferred that requests be submitted at least 30 days before the event to ensure proper preparation and scheduling. If you have any questions, please contact our Outreach Coordinator.

What organization is hosting or requesting the library to attend the event?
What is the address of the requesting organization?
Contact Person(Required)
Who should we contact if we need more information?
What is the title of the event for which you are requesting our attendance?
What is the date of the event?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Set-up Time(Required)
What time will we need to be there for set up?
End Time(Required)
What time do you expect the event to end?
Where will the event take place?
Will the event be held inside or outside?(Required)
How many people do you expect to attend the event?
In accordance with our core values, we reserve the right to deny an “attendance request” if it does not align with the Saline County Library’s policies and mission statement or the guidelines of a County entity to which the Library must adhere. We must also take into consideration the availability of staff for each event; therefore, it is preferred that requests be submitted at least 30 days before the event to ensure proper preparation and scheduling.(Required)