Bauxite: A Company Town 

 By Cody Berry  After covering what Bauxite ore is, and what it’s used for, I thought I should talk more about the town of Bauxite. When we have visitors from other states in the U.S. or other countries even, I often relate the Gann’s walls to the Bauxite mining industry in Saline County. The nearby … Continued

Saline County Library Board Member Vacancy

At the July 15 Saline County Library Board of Trustees meeting, it was determined that a nomination process along with a nomination committee would be established to request applications to fill board vacancies as they arise. The committee will consist of the Saline County Judge, one (1) Saline County Library Board member, and one (1) … Continued

What is Niloak Pottery? 

By Cody Berry  Another frequently asked question I get from our patrons is “What is Niloak Pottery?” Well, Niloak is the name given to a popular line of art pottery made from locally sourced clays in Benton. Its creation is often credited to Benton’s own Charles Dean “Bullet” Hyten and Ohio potter Arthur Dovey but … Continued

The Seed Library Grows!

From January now through our last month of August, the Saline County Library has been offering patrons it’s 2024 Seed Library. We think the program was a big hit with the community… and we’ve got the stats to prove it! So, before we say goodbye to this year’s gardening season, let’s review: Seed packs given: 12,295 … Continued

What is Bauxite Ore?

By Cody Berry There’s a long list of questions I get frequently during my tours at the Gann Museum. I try to answer them as best I can and relate that to whatever is next on the tour. Probably the most frequently asked question is something like “So, What’s Bauxite?”  Well, Bauxite is a type … Continued

Dr. Gann Jr Goes to Scotland 

Did you know that Dr. Dewell Gann, Jr completed a week-long medical course in just two days? In around 1924, when he was 34, he received a very high honor. He was awarded a fellowship at the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, Scotland. But to be admitted, candidates had to endure ten written and … Continued

Celebrate the End of Summer Reading at our Wrap-Up Party

If you participated in the Summer Reading Challenge or not, join us in our end-of-summer-reading Wrap-Up Party on Saturday, July 27. The event begins at 10:00 AM and has several activities until noon, followed by our Bird Watching program. All ages can enjoy meeting with local authors, crafting, a movie showing, and a storytime event at our … Continued

The Oldest Bridge in Arkansas? 

Recently, in my research on the Old River Bridge, I have read that it may be the oldest bridge in Arkansas. So, today, I decided to see how our bridge ranks in the chronology of early Arkansas bridges…

Adventure Begins at the Saline County Library for Summer Reading Challenge 2024

Summer Reading at the Saline County Library starts on Monday, June 3rd. All ages can enjoy age-specific programs weekly each library branch: Bob Herzfeld in Benton, Mabel Boswell in Bryant, and the East End branch.  It’s easy to participate and so much fun! To register, visit and click the big yellow button. The challenge does not … Continued

City of Bryant Welcomes Newest Museum

by Cody Berry, Special Collections Assistant On April 11, 2024, my manager, Julie Syler, accompanied me on a field trip to the grand opening of the Bryant Historical Museum. The museum is the first of its kind in Bryant. The museum came to be after years of hard work by our friends at the City … Continued