Meeting Rooms
We have a meeting room for 75 people in Benton, one for 30 people in Bryant, and one for 15 people in East End. They are free to use, but must only be used for non-profit, non-personal uses and can only be booked no more than 30 days in advance.
The library’s meeting rooms are for meetings or programs of an educational, cultural or civic nature, primarily presented or co-sponsored by the library or by not-for-profit groups or agencies. Only library sponsored or co-sponsored meetings or programs may involve the sale of items, fundraising activities or solicitation of donations. Events of a strictly social nature such as receptions, parties, weddings and showers are not permitted. Library sponsored programs and programs of the library’s affiliated organizations will be given priority in the reservation of meeting room space. Thereafter, requests are considered in the following order:
- Agencies of Saline County Government
- Community non-profit cultural or civic organizations
- City of Benton or Bryant agencies
- All other uses, including individuals or groups whose primary purposes are religious, business and for-profit entities.
Businesses may use the meeting room for not-for-profit activities. Programs involving the sale, advertisement or promotion of commercial products or services are prohibited. Organizations may not charge an admission fee. Fees for items such as a meal or program materials are permissible as long as attendance is not dependent upon the payment of such fees.
Meetings or programs which, in the sole judgment of the library staff, would interfere with the functions of the library or of patrons using the library will not be permitted. Groups using the library meeting rooms must observe the building’s scheduled opening and closing times. All meetings should be over and the room cleared and cleaned 15 minutes before the library closes. The Library Director must approve exceptions.
Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis and may not be made more than 4 weeks in advance of the requested date. Organizations or individuals are allowed 1 meeting per month at each of the 2 library locations.
Damages to the room or library property shall be charged to the person/group using the room. No group is allowed to attach anything to the walls. No candles with lighted flames are allowed.
Scheduling of a meeting or program of a group or organization in the library does not in any way constitute an endorsement by the library of the group or organization; its activities; or of the ideas and opinions expressed during the course of the meetings or programs held at the library. The use of the name, address or phone number of the Saline County Library as the address or headquarters for any group or organization using the library for meeting purposes is prohibited. Publicity generated by a group or organization for a meeting or event in a library meeting room may recite the library name, address and appropriate room designation only.
The Saline County Library currently assesses no deposit for the use of its meeting room except in the case of persons or groups wishing to make crafts or items that require hammers, nails, glue guns, paint and other like items. A craft deposit will be required and refunded after inspection by a library employee. Charges may be assessed against groups or individuals who fail to leave the room in a clean and orderly condition. Groups and individuals which abuse or damage the meeting room may be denied future access to library facilities. Setting up tables and chairs not normally provided by the library is the responsibility of the sponsoring individual or group. Meeting rooms must be returned to their original conditions.
When scheduling meeting room time, remember to allow your group sufficient time for any necessary set up or clean up. Any organization or group wishing to use the meeting room must complete an application for meeting room use and receive approval of the Library Director or his/her designee before a meeting room reservation will be finalized.
The library can provide the following audiovisual items if available and with advanced notice:
- TV
- DVD/Blu-ray player
- Laptop
- Podium
- Microphone
- Projection Screen
- LCD Projector
- Overhead Projector
- Slide Projector
Food or drink is allowed only by special permission. Only catered meals, covered-dish meals or light refreshments can be served. No red punch, kool-aid or grape juice will be allowed. Dishes, paper towels, kitchen utensils and coffee accessories must be furnished by the user organization. All groups are responsible for food and/or trash cleanup. Garbage must be placed in trash can.
To book a meeting room, fill out the Room Reservation form. You may also call 501-778-4766 to reserve a room in Benton, call 501-847-2166 to reserve a room in Bryant, or call 501-315-3153 to reserve a room in East End.
We do not have dedicated study rooms available for reservation. In Benton, we have study stations that are available on a walk-in first-come, first-served basis. In East End, there are study areas available in a shared space that are also available on a walk-in, first-come, first-served basis.
Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Library are a dedicated group of volunteers who raise money to donate to the library.
Through book sales, the Friends of the Library raise money to donate to the library for special projects. Our Friends of the Library group has recently opened up a Used Bookstore at the Bob Herzfeld Memorial Library. This bookstore will be open any time the library is open, and will close 30 minutes before the library closes. Visitors can browse the bookstore and bring their items upstairs to the front desk to check out.
Stop by the help desk at either library location and ask to join, or fill out the form here and bring it to either location.
The following is a list of items we CANNOT accept:
- Damaged books. Damage would include: damage from water, smoke, mold, broken spines, torn pages and pages written on or highlighted.
- Reference books
- Computer books & manuals
- Reader’s Digest Condensed Books
- MAGAZINES including National Geographic and American Heritage
- Outdated Textbooks
- VHS tapes
- Vinyl records
- Audio cassettes
- Bulk packs or other bound study materials
We thank you for your donations!
Donations in new or like-new condition can be dropped off at either library location.
Items donated will be added to the collection or repurposed. Items must be in good condition, a condition that you would want to check out.
Donations may be dropped off at the front desk at both locations.
If you have a large donation, please call us to schedule a time to drop it off, so that we can be available to assist you with unloading.
Library Cards
Saline County residents can obtain a library card by presenting a state-issued ID and completing a short application form at either location. Those wishing only to use the eLibrary can apply online.
Do you live, own property, work, or attend school in Saline County? If so, you can get a Saline County Library card!
Come by and bring us a photo ID with a current address, or a photo ID plus proof of your current address. If you do not live or own property in Saline County, make sure to bring a pay stub showing you work here, or a document that shows you attend school school here. If you only want to use online resources, you can fill out this online card application.
A child (age 5 and up) may get a children’s library card with their parent or guardian. The parent or guardian is responsible for the account and is able to gain access to information about the account. Once a child is able to obtain a government-issued photo ID and parental permission, they may have their own adult card, and no one other than the child may have access to this card.
Anyone over the age of 16 does not have to have parental permission to obtain an adult library card.
We value your privacy. No one other than you has the right to use your library card.
At the time of registration, 5 items can be checked out. When those items are returned, you get full borrowing privileges.
Your library card will be good for 3 years. After that, just come by and renew it. It’s free!
If you move, bring us your new ID or proof of new address to keep your account current.
Lost or misplaced cards need to be reported and replaced immediately to prevent someone from using the card. It costs $2 to replace a lost card.
Have you entered your library card number and PIN correctly?
- Your library card number is located on the back of your library card. It is a 14 digit number beginning with either “247” or “147.”
- Your PIN is your 4 digit birth year (newer cards) or the last 4 digits of your phone number (older cards).
If you’ve entered the library card and pin correctly, but it still doesn’t work, there may be another problem with your account:
- Your library account may be expired. Accounts expire every 3 years. If this is the case, you will need to come by one of our locations and update your contact information. You can renew over the phone, but you will only have access to our eLibrary materials.
- You may owe a fine over $5.00. Call us to verify.
If you’ve confirmed that you’re entering your library card and PIN correctly, call (501) 778-4766 or fill out the “How Can We Help You” form.
If you live, own property, work or attend school in Saline County, you are eligible to apply for a regular Saline County Library Card. If you do not, here are the other types of cards that we offer:
Reciprocal Cards:
Citizens of Cleveland, Dallas, Garland, Grant and Hot Spring County can apply for a Saline County Library card because of a special reciprocal agreement by the three library boards.
Non-resident Cards:
A non-resident is a person who does not live or own property in Saline County or a reciprocal county. You must present a photo ID and pay an annual fee of $10.00 to obtain a non-resident library card.
Saline County Property Owners:
If you live out of the county but own property in Saline County, you may obtain a resident card free of charge. Bring your photo ID and one of the following that includes your name and the address of the property: tax collector receipt, tax statement or mortgage papers.
A limited use eLibrary card is available for free to Saline County residents (as well as other areas we have reciprocal borrowing agreements with). It is also available to out-of-county residents for $10.00 per year.
This account will only give you access to online resources through this website, including our eLibrary. It does not give the user access to physical material or computer lab use. Registration is effective for 3 years and may be updated over the phone.
Apply for an eLibrary card. You will be mailed a card and PIN, and receive an email from us. If you are required to pay $10.00, we must receive your payment first.
If you need assistance with this application process, please contact us at (501) 778-4766.
Cards expire every 3 years. To renew your card, bring a government-issued ID and any updated contact information. If you would like to renew your card over the phone, we can update it as an eLibrary card only.
Library Hours
Our Benton location is open until 7:00 PM Mon-Thu. Our Bryant location is open until 7:00 PM Tue & Thu.
The computer labs in both locations shut down 15 minutes before closing time.
*Special hours may be implemented for weather conditions, staffing concerns, or other factors at the discretion of the library. Announcements for special hours will be posted on the building doors, social media pages, phone messages, and website.
Saline County Library is closed for the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day (January 1)
- Martin Luther King’s Birthday (third Monday in January)
- President’s Day (third Monday in February)
- Good Friday (Friday before Easter)
- Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
- Independence Day (July 4)
- Labor Day (first Monday in September)
- Veterans’ Day (November 11)
- Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November)
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day (December 25)
If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the library will be closed the Friday before and the holiday. If a holiday falls on a Sunday, the library will be closed the Monday after the holiday.
The library will close at 5:30 PM the day before a holiday.
Other closing days for in-service will be by board approval and will be announced on the website and in the local newspaper.
Our Benton passport office hours are:
- Monday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Tuesday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Wednesday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Thursday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Friday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- Saturday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM by appointment only
Our Bryant passport office hours are (by appointment only):
- Monday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Tuesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Wednesday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Friday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- Saturday ONLY if you have an appointment
The Saline County Library has notary publics on staff at the Bob Herzfeld Memorial Library and the Mabel Boswell Memorial Library. Notary services are free and available Monday through Friday and some nights if a notary public is available. Call (501) 778-4766 for Benton or (501) 847-2166 for Bryant to make an appointment.
Notary publics are not licensed attorneys and cannot engage in the practice of law. They are not representative of any governmental agency with authority over immigration or citizenship, and cannot offer legal advice or other assistance regarding immigration.
Monday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
You can apply for a U.S. passport at either library location. To apply, you must fill out the DS-11, bring in an original or certified copy of your birth certificate, show your driver’s license or state-issued ID, and pay with check or money order. See the U.S. Department of State’s website for detailed information. Library passport office hours are different than library operating hours.
We prefer that you make an appointment for passport assistance for either location so we can insure that a passport agent is available. We do accept walk-ins in Benton, but if you do not have an appointment, we can not guarantee that a passport agent will be available to assist you . You can make an appointment for our Benton location by calling (501) 778-4766 or Bryant at (501) 847-2166. To receive passport assistance in Bryant, appointments are required.
Passport appointments are required on Saturdays.
Passport photos can be taken at the library and cost $10.00. Please allow extra time for young children.
There are two separate fees. You will need to pay the fees separately. The State Department doesn’t take credit/debit cards. Only photo fees may be paid with a credit/debit card.
To calculate your fees, use this link:
Fees Paid to the U.S. Department of State
The application fee is dependent on a number of factors—age, type of passport, and whether you need any additional services.
If you need your passport in a hurry, there could be a fee to expedite the application and/or a delivery fee.
For these fees we accept:
- Checks (personal, certified, cashier’s, traveler’s) (payable to “U.S. Department of State”)
- Money orders (payable to “U.S. Department of State”)
*Credit and debit cards CANNOT be accepted for Department of State Fees*
Fees Paid to the Saline County Library
The execution fee is $35 and paid separately to the Saline County Library. (Passport renewals do not have an execution fee.) If you need a passport photo, the library can provide one. The cost is $10.
We (the Saline County Library) accept the following for photo fees:
- Money orders (payable to “Saline County Library”)
- Personal checks (payable to “Saline County Library”)
- Credit/Debit cards
- Cash
We (the Saline County Library) accept the following for execution fees:
- Money orders (payable to “Saline County Library”)
- Personal checks (payable to “Saline County Library”)
- Credit/Debit cards
- Cash
Routine 6 – 9 weeks; expedited 3 – 5 weeks.
What to expect:
- Mail delays are impacting when the U.S. Department of State is receiving passport applications for processing. Their processing times begin the day they receive your application, not the day you apply/mail it
- Routine service can take 8-11 weeks from the day an application is submitted to the day a new passport is received. The 11-week timeframe includes up to 6 weeks for processing and up to 4 weeks for mailing times on the front and back end.
- Expedite service (for an additional $60) can take 5-7 weeks from the day an application is submitted to the day a new passport is received. The 7-week timeframe includes up to 4 weeks for processing and up to 2 weeks for mailing times on the front and back end.
Our processing times (8-11 weeks for routine; 5-7 weeks for expedite) do not include mailing times. Mail times vary and delays have been significant. Plan ahead:
We suggest you:
- Send your application to the U.S. Department of State via trackable mail, so you can track your application before it enters their system. This can be done whether applying at an acceptance facility or by mail.
- Pay an extra $17.56 for 1-2 day delivery for the return of your completed passport.
More about Status Updates: It may take up to 6 weeks from the day you submit your application until your status is “In Process.” During these 6 weeks, your application is delivered to a mail facility, your payment is processed, and your application is entered into the system. Even if your passport status update says, “Not Available,” your application and supporting documents are safely on their way to the U.S. Department of State. Check online for your passport status.
Use Self-Service Tools Online: The U.S. Department of State call center is experiencing extremely high call volumes with longer-than-usual wait times. You can get your questions answered immediately by using one of the self-service tools available on the U.S. Department of State website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What you see online is the same information that call center representatives can share with you by phone.
Planning to Travel? Apply Early! Apply at least six months before planned travel. Due to limited availability for urgent travel appointments, we cannot guarantee you can receive in-person service at a passport agency or center. We are prioritizing customers with life-or-death emergencies. Visit the Passport Agency and Center page to learn more.
Renew by Mail: Adults with 10-year passports can renew them by mail instead of appearing in person.
Social Media
Volunteer Opportunities
The library is a great source for volunteer hours for teens. You must be 13 years old to become a volunteer. We are looking for self-starters and responsible independent workers.
To apply for a teen volunteer position, applications can be picked up in person, at either location. Applications must be signed by a legal guardian and returned to the library. A staff member will be in contact to let you know if there are any volunteer openings.
Adults who are interested in volunteering may find more information through the Friends of the Library and volunteering with the Used Book Sale room. Visit the Friends of the Library page to learn more.
No children under the age of 5 are allowed in the Makerspace.
Children ages 5-12 years must be supervised by an adult at all times.
Patrons are limited to two projects per day. Glowforge, 3D printers, and sublimation printer supplies are subject to further restrictions.
Patrons are responsible for cleaning up their work area and any supplies used.
All work will stop ten minutes before close for clean-up.
No food allowed.
Patrons who do not follow the Makerspace rules may be asked to leave.
All equipment is available during Makerspace Open Hours on a first come, first served basis. Projects must be taken home the same day; anything left will be discarded at closing. Limited assistance is available for equipment, tools, and projects.
To reserve the Glowforge, 3D printers, Silhouette, Cricut, or sublimation printer, patrons must first complete a certification class. Registration for classes is required and upcoming classes can be found here:
Certified patrons must have a Saline County Library card in good standing to reserve equipment.
Certified patrons can request an equipment reservation here:
The Saline County Library Makerspace accepts donations of arts and crafts materials in good condition, subject to the Makerspace Specialist’s discretion. Email to arrange a donation!
Children under the age of 5 are not allowed in the Makerspace.
Children ages 5-12 years must be supervised by an adult at all times.
Yes! The Makerspace has many supplies and equipment for adults to enjoy.
Yes! Patrons may bring their own supplies into the Makerspace, subject to the Makerspace Specialist’s discretion.
The Makerspace equipment and materials are for personal use only.
Yes. Patrons must have a Saline County Library card in good standing to utilize the equipment and supplies in the Makerspace or make equipment reservations.
A Glowforge is a versatile desktop laser cutter and engraver that can cut, engrave, and score a wide range of materials, including wood, acrylic, leather, and even some types of metals (for engraving only). It’s popular for creating detailed and precise designs for crafts, art, prototypes, and customized projects. Project files can be found at: When using the Glowforge in the Makerspace, patrons have free access to Glowforge Pro files.
The Benton Makerspace has a variety of prepared wood and acrylic for patrons to use with the Glowforge. Saline County Library patrons in good standing are allowed a limited supply of free materials. Limits reset on the 1st of each month. Monthly limits are:
- Glowforge plywood: 5” x 6”
- Glowforge draftboard: 6” x 10”
- Glowforge acrylic: 6” x 10”
If a patron exceeds the monthly limit, they must provide their own Proof-Grade materials or buy full sheets from the library’s limited selection at cost.
The Saline County Library does not allow illegal, unsafe, or inappropriate prints. Reproductions of copyrighted, patented, or trademarked material are also prohibited.
The Glowforge can be used on a first come, first served basis during our Open Hours or can be reserved after patrons have completed a certification class.
The Makerspace equipment and materials are for personal use only.
A 3D printer is a device that creates three-dimensional objects by layering filament based on a digital model. The Benton Makerspace has two Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 3D printers. The Bambu Lab X1 Carbon is a high-performance desktop 3D printer designed for speed, precision, and versatility.
The Makerspace provides a variety of PLA (Polylactic Acid, a biodegradable thermoplastic) filament for use. Saline County Library patrons in good standing are allowed a limited supply of free PLA. Limits reset on the 1st of each month. The monthly limit is:
- PLA: 100 grams, deducted in 25mg units
If a patron exceeds the monthly limit, they may purchase more filament from the library’s limited selection at cost. Patrons may bring their own filament, but it must be Bambu Lab brand PLA.
Free project files can be found at or Patrons may bring their own STL files saved to a flash drive. The Saline County Library does not allow illegal, unsafe, or inappropriate prints. Reproduction of copyrighted, patented, or trademarked material are also prohibited.
The 3D printers can be used on a first come, first served basis during our Open Hours or reserved after patrons have completed a certification class.
The Makerspace equipment and materials are for personal use only.
Both the Silhouette Cameo and the Cricut Maker are popular cutting machines used for crafting and DIY projects. They can cut a variety of materials with precision and are often used for projects like decals, cards, apparel, and more.
The Benton Makerspace has a Silhouette Cameo 4 and a Cricut Maker for use during Open Hours on a first come first served basis or by reservation for certified patrons. While using the Cricut Maker, patrons have access to Cricut Access.
The Bryant Makerspace offers a Silhouette Cameo 4 for use during its Open Hours.
Both Makerspaces carry a limited supply of heat transfer vinyl and permanent and removable adhesive vinyl. Saline County Library patrons in good standing are allowed a limited supply of free vinyl. Limits reset on the 1st of each month. The monthly limit is:
- 12” x 12” vinyl of any kind: 2 sheets
Patrons may bring their own materials to use or if they exceed the monthly limit.
The Makerspace equipment and materials are for personal use only.
A sublimation printer is a device that uses heat to transfer dye onto materials like fabric, ceramic, metal, or plastic. It’s commonly used for creating vibrant, durable designs on items such as mugs, t-shirts, phone cases, and more. The sublimation printer uses special ink and paper, but prints images just like a regular computer printer.
The Benton and Bryant Makerspaces have sublimation printers for patron use during Open Hours or by reservation for those who have completed a certification class. Saline County Library patrons in good standing are allowed a limited supply of free sublimation paper. Limits reset on the 1st of each month. The monthly limit is:
- Sublimation paper: 5 sheets
Patrons may bring their own materials to use or if they exceed the monthly limit.
The Makerspace equipment and materials are for personal use only.
*For sublimating on fabric, we highly recommend using POLYESTER.*
The Bryant branch offers a HP Designjet poster printer for patron use on a first come, first served basis during Makerspace Open Hours. This large format, color printer is 24” wide. Patrons must format their designs to the desired sized for optimal results.
Saline County Library patrons in good standing are allowed a limited supply of free poster prints. Limits reset on the 1st of each month. The monthly limit is:
- (1) 24” x 36” print
The Saline County Library does not allow illegal, unsafe, or inappropriate prints. Reproduction of copyrighted, patented, or trademarked material are also prohibited.
The Makerspace equipment and materials are for personal use only.
Our list of available tools and supplies is continually growing and we’d love to know how we can better serve our community, as well! Have an interest in a specific craft or tool? You can submit your suggestions for things you’d love to see in our Makerspace.
Borrowing Items
- Audiobooks: 3 weeks
- Board Games: 3 weeks
- Books: 3 weeks
- Entertainment Equipment: 2 weeks
- Learning Kits: 3 weeks
- Mobile Hotspots: 2 weeks
- Preloaded Tablets: 3 weeks
- Cake Pans: 1 week
- DVDs/Movies: 1 week
- Fishing Poles: 2 weeks
- TV Series: 2 weeks
- Video Games: 2 weeks
- Wellness Kits: 1 week
- Book Club Kits: 60 days
eLibrary loaning periods:
- Libby: 2 weeks
- Overdrive: 2 weeks
- Kanopy: 72 hours
- Freegal: Downloads are yours to keep
- Hoopla: 21 Days
You may renew your items online unless they are overdue. Overdue items may be renewed over the phone.
The following items may not be renewed:
- An item requested by another person
- An item that has already been renewed twice
- Interlibrary loan material
As of September 1, 2023, if an item is due and has not yet been returned, the item’s checkout will automatically be renewed. The standard rules apply—if the item is on hold for someone else, or has already been renewed the maximum number of times, it will not be renewed. Most library items are allowed to be renewed twice. When a patron’s item has been auto-renewed, the patron will receive a notification via email or text message, depending on their preference.
Here are the maximum number of items you can check out by type, per card:
- Board Games: 2
- Entertainment Equipment: 1
- Learning Kits: 2
- Mobile Hotspots: 1
- Preloaded Tablets: 1
- DVDs: 10
- Video Games: 2
- Wellness Kits: 1
- Libby: 5 at a time/7 holds at a time
- Overdrive: 5 at a time/7 holds at a time
- Freegal: 3 downloads/week
- Kanopy: 10/month
- Hoopla: 10/month
If an item is checked out, you may reserve it. This is called placing a hold. Holds are made by using the website, calling or requesting help from a staff member.
We will notify you when the item becomes available either email, Text, or call. The item will be held for 7 days.
After 3 days, it will move to the next person on the list, or be placed back on the shelf.
Interlibrary loans are available on items not owned by Saline County Library or another Mid-Arkansas affiliated library and are/or 6 months old or older (sometimes we can’t get a book even if it’s not 6 months. You must have a valid Saline County Library card and be in good standing.
To see if your requested material qualifies for an Interlibrary loan, complete the Suggest Material form. The form needs to be filled out as completely as possible, especially for special formats such as large print or audio. There is a $1.00 fee charged per filled request for interlibrary loan materials.
In order to continue offering interlibrary loan services, it is necessary to maintain good relations with cooperating libraries. Library materials should be returned promptly. The loaned materials are due according to the owner library’s due dates.
Sometimes the library lending the book will put special restrictions on the materials, such as use within the library. The Saline County Library, in fairness, must insist on compliance with such restrictions. You will be contacted when the requested material has been received. If you fail to pick up an interlibrary loan that has been ordered, the library may refuse to order for you in the future. You will still owe the $1.00 fee.
You may suggest material for the library to purchase for the collection. If the item is purchased, you will be placed on hold for it. While the library will attempt to order as many suggested materials as possible, we will evaluate purchase requests based on price, reviews, publication date and availability.
The Saline County Library is now fine-free. However, you will still be charged for damaged or lost items.
If an item is claimed lost by a patron or by the library, the patron will be responsible for replacing the item either by paying the cost of the item or giving the library a replacement copy. A replacement copy is defined as a brand new, exact copy of the item with the same ISBN and format.
Users who return damaged items to the library will be assessed a fee.
Damage includes, but is not limited to, items which have had barcodes and other library markings removed, water damage, torn pages, writing, chewed edges or excessively dirty.
If the damage cannot be repaired, you will be charged the replacement cost. If you pay for a damaged item, you may keep it. If damage is due to a disaster, such as a fire or a tornado, there will be no cost for damages; however, proof must be provided that this disaster occurred. Examples of proof are: insurance paperwork, police report or a newspaper clipping with details.
It is both the library staff and the patron’s responsibility to note any condition problem at the time of check out and not after the item has been returned. The last person to have the item will be charged for the damage.
Patrons are still allowed borrowing privileges in the library with up to $5.00 in fines. This only includes physical materials.
A fine of any amount will block you from borrowing eBooks on Overdrive.
Borrow eBooks from Overdrive. You will now select “Mid-Ark Regional Library System” as your library. When you log in, it will ask for your library card number and PIN, which is the last 4 digits of your phone number or your 4 digit birth year. Search for the title you are looking for, tap or click the cover, and choose “Borrow.”
With the Libby App, open the app and select the Libby icon in the top right corner. Then select “Add A Library” and enter “Arkansas” in the search bar. Next, select “Saline County Library” and click “Sign In With My Library Card.” From here, you will follow steps similar to the Overdrive App. Click the drop down arrow and select “Mid-Ark Regional Library System” and enter your library card number and PIN. Now click “Enter The Library” to begin searching through all of the eLibrary materials.
If you need help, see the Overdrive help page.
It doesn’t matter which location you checked the item out from, you can return it to Bob Herzfeld Library in Benton or Mable Boswell Library in Bryant.
Books by mail is a service designed to meet the needs of the homebound and those residents of Saline County who live farther than 15 miles from a branch and who are deemed capable of independent responsibility. Books and other formats are selected individually for each patron according to the patron’s interests or the patron’s specific requests. Materials will be sent on a regular schedule. Library materials are delivered by mail in zippered pouches with reversible address labels for easy mail return. A patron may have 4 items at a time.
These services are available to those who cannot utilize traditional library services or it would cause an undo hardship to do so including: elderly, physically impaired, injured, critically ill, long term care facilities residents, retirement center residents and rehabilitation center residents.
These book boxes allow the people of Saline County to have free access to reading materials 24/7, 365 days a year, whether the library is open or not. Our mission is to provide reading material to our community free of charge without ever having to come to the library.
Book boxes are stationed at the following locations:
Bryant Center: 6401 Boone Rd, Bryant
Healing Waters: 14032 Sardis Rd, Shannon Hills
Lance’s Convenience Store: 3821 Edison Ave, Benton
Riverside Grocery: 4444 AR-5, Benton
Harrison Family Pharmacy: 2323 Arkansas-229 Suite A, Haskell
JJ’s Diner: 6106 Interstate 30, Malvern
Alexander Outreach Center: 15202 W Azalea Dr., Alexander
Lonsdale Cutoff SQRL: 7209 E Grand Ave, Lonsdale
Book Club Kits include a tote bag, luggage tag (with barcode), its numbered books, and a Sign-out sheet. Each Book Club Kit is checked out for 60 days.
If there is a lost or damaged book, the book must be replaced or paid for by either the patron that checked out the Book Club Kit, or the patron that signed out the book. If the entire Book Club Kit is lost, there will be a fine that equals the entire price of the contents of that particular Book Club Kit. The fine will go to the patron that checked out the Book Club Kit.