Blind Date with A Book
What is it?
Just a regular “blind date” you don’t know exactly what you are getting. Take a random book (by checking it out and reading it) to see for yourself if its a match and you have discovered your new favorite book genre or a disaster and you are never, ever, ever getting back together!
How do you have a blind date with a book?
Stop by our Benton location to browse your “dates” (aka books) and see which one intrigues you most. Then, simply check it out, read it, and fill out the simple form below to let us know how it went!
How much does the date cost?
Unlike the best date you have ever been on (and the worst) this date costs you the flat-rate fee of $0! All you need is a library card. And if you don’t have one, you can get one! Still for free if you live, work, or own property in Saline County. All you need is a photo ID and valid proof of your Saline County residence. Learn more about getting a library card.